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Olivia's 8 Mile Challenge for School in a Bag!

Olivia came home feeling heartbroken after learning about School in a Bag—a charity that provides essential school supplies to children who have very little.  As someone who loves stationery, she was deeply moved by the fact that many children around the world only have one pencil to last an entire year. 


Olivia’s life revolves around notepads and pens, so she decided to help those who aren’t as fortunate as herself. She set herself a personal challenge: to walk one mile for each year of her life! Though walking wasn't her favourite activity, she was determined to do the walk for such an important cause, and she was excited about the difference it could make.


Olivia walked from East Coker to School in a Bag HQ (Chilthorne Domer) and back to East Coker - 13km which is just over 8 miles. We set off at 7am on 6th October and finished the walk just after 10am. 


The total she raised was £1025, which was enough for 51 bags. Well done Olivia!

