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Preston C of E Primary School is a member of Preston Primary Academy Trust

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Our Christian Vision

Our Christian Vision


At Preston C of E Primary School, we are committed to providing the best education for our children so they may be happy and successful in life. Through high academic standards and an exciting, enriched curriculum, our children will flourish spiritually, emotionally, physically and academically. They will feel valued in our safe, caring environment, and develop a love of learning and a desire to make a positive impact on their community and beyond. The children lie at the heart of everything we do. We aspire for our pupils to be the best they can be, in an inclusive Christian learning environment.


Our strapline is “Work Together, Learn Together, Grow Together.”


Our motto is "Let your light shine." (taken from Matthew 5:16)


Together, they underpin our belief that we are guided by the light of Jesus within us so we can work, learn and grow together to shine as one to serve our wider community.


At Preston Primary, we aim to


  • Create a safe and stimulating environment, providing a learning experience which meets the needs of all;
  • Ensure outstanding teaching and a culture of high expectations and high attainment where all of our children reach their full potential and take pride in their achievements;
  • Enable children to develop as independent, motivated learners with creative enquiring minds, building transferable skills for adult life;
  • Promote and develop pupils’ spiritual, moral and cultural growth via the delivery of the agreed Somerset RE syllabus (representing all faiths) and daily Collective Worship of a mainly Christian character;
  • Help children to care for and respect themselves, the community, other cultures and the environment; and
  • Encourage children to be happy and healthy, both physically and emotionally, and to practise a healthy and safe lifestyle.

We aim to give our children every opportunity possible so they may experience and achieve "Life in all its fullness" (John 10:10). Our pupils have the opportunities to shine, develop and flourish through offering high quality enriching experiences.
