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Spanish Club (Year 2)

Welcome to our Club Page!

Practicando Yo Que La Sabemos


Today we practised having a conversation completely in Spanish using everything we have learnt so far. Here are two videos of our Spanish club children demonstrating this.


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Our latest conversations

Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Hola del club espanol!

We have had two spanish club sessions so far and the children are already doing so well! We have learnt how to say:


hola- hello

mucho gusto- nice to meet you

adios- goodbye

soy- I am

Que tal?- how are you?

Bien gracias- fine thankyou

Y tu?- and you


Senora Rich has been very impressed with the enthusiasm and fluency of the children so far, particularly as Spanish will be a third language for a few of them!


Muy bien todos!

Here are some pictures of my Spanish club children learning the numbers 1-11 by playing hopscotch! 
