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Week 15

A really enjoyable final week before the Christmas break. Both classes enjoyed the trip to the pantomime (thank you PTA) and decorating the classroom in preparation for our homemade Christmas dinner. 

Week 13

As part of science, we looked at digestion and how the human body processes food. Lots of willing helpers to take part in this demonstration. Who knew digestion could be such fun? 

Week 12

The countdown to Christmas is almost here. Sycamore have started to feel quite festive as they start their DT project and complete their Christmas narrative. During maths, we made 3D shapes out of nets.

Week 11


Week 10

A great week for Sycamore Class. The children have written and performed a war poem for Remembrance Day as well as studied the poem Flanders Field. In science, they dissected a pig's heart in order to further their understanding of how the heart functions.

Week 9

A lovely week for the children of Sycamore Class. They have tackled finding the area of 2D shapes well and all written a fantastic narrative with speech. A select few children were lucky enough to head to Perrott Hill for their annual 'Mock Trial' and I am delighted to report that we won our case and successfully defended our client from the charge.

Week 8

As Black History Month comes to an end, the children have enjoyed researching and writing about prominent black figures involved in civil rights activism. We have finished our RE topic on agape and rounded off our history topic on the Maya by making a chocolate drink inspired by them. Just the sugary treat we all need before half term!

Week 7

Our second assessment week of Year 6 shows how much all of our hard work has paid off. Some great improvements made by everyone. We have started to learn about the components of blood in science and we had fun acting out the parable of the Unforgiving Servant in RE.

Week 5

Sycamore’s week started off with a fantastic harvest assembly from David and our wonderful prefects and volunteers collected all the donations for the Lord’s Larder. Thank you for your support for such a wonderful cause.

Week 4

An eventful week for Sycamore class over the last few days. 12 of them braved the elements to complete their Bikeability training and we welcomed our visitor from Humanist UK to give us an insight on another belief system.

Week 3

We were lucky enough to welcome in some feathery visitors (courtesy of the PTA) this week. The children learned about different types of owls and what we can protect them. Some of us were even brave enough to stroke their chests.

Week 2

First full week complete and it feels as if we have been back for months. We have started our swimming lessons and our history unit on the Maya. We also learned about how data is sent across the internet as part of our computing lessons.

Week 1

A short but sweet week where we have been getting to know each other and how Year 6 works. Well done to you all for a fantastic first couple of days!

Welcome Year 6

Hello everyone,

Just wanted to wish you all a warm welcome to Sycamore Class and to your final year at Preston Primary. Make sure you check this page regularly to see photos and videos of what we have been doing each week. Looking forward to seeing you all in September.
