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Preston C of E Primary School is a member of Preston Primary Academy Trust

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Gifted and Talented provision

At Preston, we provide a rich, broad curriculum for all our learners. Within each year group, we identify children with special gifts and talents in specific curriculum areas.


What is the 'Gifted and Talented' register?

The school keeps a register of children who have been identified with a talent in any given curriculum area.  


How do we provide for our 'more able' children?

We provide a range of different opportunities for our Gifted &Talented children throughout the academic year. Activities include:

  • Creative writing workshops
  • Science workshops and roadshows
  • Maths workshops
  • Public speaking opportunities
  • P.E development workshops for less recognised sports
  • Art workshops with local artists

We also aim to work with local professional and our feeder secondary schools to provide the children with enriched opportunities to develop their talents in new and exciting ways.

Fun Science , CSI workshops (KS1 & KS2)

Our more able scientists took the opportunity to develop their scientific thinking during a more able CSI workshop. the children enjoyed taking finger prints and looking for scientific clues to solve the mystery.


Local author more able KS1 creative writing workshop 


Fun Science KS1 more able science workshop 


KS1 More able sports session
