Home Learning - Week 2 - 11/01/21
We hope that you have all had a good week learning from home. It has been lovely to see your photos and videos, so keep sending those in - they really make us smile!
Below is the link to the timetable for next week. You will see that you will need to log onto your new Teams account to listen to us read the story of 'Stuck'. As the week progresses we will invite you to a live story telling session too. We are really looking forward seeing you all!
We want to remind you all that reading daily is really important. Please read the attached letter about Reading in the Early Years. It gives the details of a new 'Book Change Service' that we hope will be of interest.
Above all, please try to enjoy the week ahead and make sure to make some time for play too!!!
Best Wishes
Mrs Silver & Mrs Margetts
Happy New Year and Welcome Back!
We are really disappointed that we are not welcoming your children back into class today in the usual way!
The word document at the very bottom of this text contains the home learning timetable for this week. Please try to compete as much as you can. Additionally, many of you may have the packs that were sent home for your children at the start of the Christmas break, these might prove useful over the coming weeks, if they have not been completed already.
The following websites would also help your children through reinforcement and consolidation of their learning.
www.phonicsplay.co.uk (free resources)
www.oxfordowl.co.uk (Logon details emailed)
www.discoveryeducation.co.uk (Login details emailed)
We understand that this is a really worrying time for everyone but hope that we can help support you, making sure that it is as easy as it possibly can be! We all want what is best for your children, and are here to help as best we can.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact the reception team directly on the following email. This will be checked daily and emails will be responded to swiftly. It would be lovely to see some of the work that has been completed at home too, so this email address can be used to send us a few photographs as well as using your Tapestry account if you would like to.
Please make sure to check the class page regularly for updates.
Wishing you all well.
Mrs Silver and Mrs Margetts
The Reception Team