At Preston, we provide our children with a range of different new and exciting opportunities throughout their years with us. We constantly strive to find new and varied opportunities to engage all of our learners and provide them with opportunities to try something new.
Karate workshop Street surfing workshop Fencing workshop Forest school Arts week in partnership with Yeovil Arts Space Family learning workshops and days: EYFS, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 and Year 6 After school clubs Assemblies from: Salvation Army inc. Shoe Box appeal Somerset Wellbeing awards and Mental Health week Assemblies from the School Vicar School council visit to the Yeovil Mayor’s office KS2/KS3 collaboration activities i.e. P.E days External speakers – Inspiring futures Drama/performances in every year group (once a half term) Maths weeks Language day Reading week Science week inc. Science dome Town/Parish Council visits School Council fundraising and democracy opportunities Huff and Puff Remembrance festival with Yeovilton inc. bugler, prayers, and laying of wreath HSBC money workshops (Yr2/Yr5)
| Whole school Talent show Stem learning workshops in conjunction with Leonardo Helicopters Participating in local sporting festivals Wellbeing days Junior Masterchef with Westfield (Design-a-dish)) Grow £10 from the PTA as part of the School Summer Fair Mask making workshop Whole school pantomime Pets in EYFS (guinea pigs) Pro-active PTA who provide enrichment activities inc. climbing walls, bouncy castles, ice cream van treats etc. Therapy dog visits via SENCo Intrahouse competitions in Cross Country, Bench ball and Multiskills for KS1) Mother’s Day assembly inc. bonnet parade for Parents (EYFS – Year 2) Dome EYFS Mother’s Day service for Mums inc children reading poems and making drinks Virtual author seminars and writing events inc. National Poetry Day Wimbledon tennis festival Staff v Children football tournament Global Games festival (all year groups) Sports Day
Exciting, new enrichment opportunities for 2022-2023
Local community links, trip to Brimsmore Garden Centre
Martial arts workshops, Taekwondo
Sports Science in Year 6 with a local PT and Nutritionist
Fencing workshops
Street Surfing workshops
CSI workshops for KS1/KS2 - Fun Science