Egyptian Projects
Wow! What can we say, we were completely overwhelmed by the children’s Egyptian projects this year! It was simply incredible, the time and effort that every single child put into their home projects was outstanding and we had a wonderful morning. The children were able to present information as well as show off their amazing projects and we all learned so much! Thank you for everyone who helped create these incredible projects, we will be sending them home in the penultimate week of term.
Performing Arts Workshop
This week Hawthorn took part in a performing arts workshop. The children practised their singing, dancing and acting. They then performed a piece from The Lion King.
Hawthorn Class have been fortunate enough to take part in some mindfulness sessions with Paula the yoga lady. The children focussed on their posture and breathing. The two main poses they learned were Virabhadrasana III and Dirga Pranayama.
P.E with Year 6
For P.E this week, Year 6 organised some activities for Year 4 to take part in on the school field. The children worked in groups to play each game.
Well done to all of the Year 4's who took their timestables test today. We are so proud of every single one of them. Thank you to all the parents who helped the children practise at home. We have celebrated today with an ice-cream and some free time in the sun.
W E L L D O N E !
This half term in Science, Hawthorn are learning about electricity. The children used the equipment to make their own circuits. We had lots of competitions to see which team could make the brightest lights, loudest buzzer and biggest circuit.
This week in Maths the children have been learning how to use a protractor to measure angles accurately. We were very pleased with the concentration and effort the children put in to measuring and drawing their own angles.
Hawthorn Class have been learning about masks from different cultures. The children designed a masks based on their own research using the iPads. Very carefully, the children painted and decorated their masks ready for the parade on the school playground.
The Queen's Platinum Jubilee
Hawthorn had a wonderful day celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. To start the day we attended the Jubilee service. We wore our crowns and sang the National Anthem. Year 4's focus was the 70's. We talked about events that happened in the 70's and then created 70's themed art. The children also worked together to create lava lamps which were extremely popular in the 70's. The children especially enjoyed their cupcakes and Jubilee lunch.
Year 4 London Trip
Year 4 had a brilliant time at the British Museum. We were amazed by the statues and mummies. We are so proud of every single one of our Year 4 pupils for their impeccable behaviour and patience!
Cross Country
Well done to the whole of Year 4 who competed in the school cross country race. We were so impressed that every child put in so much effort and ran the whole 1.2 kilometres.
This half-term in Science we are learning about sound. To start our topic we discussed how we hear sounds. We investigated this by using a glass with different amounts of water in. We listened to the different pitches we could make using our fingers to vibrate the glass. Mr Frisby also showed us how different instruments make sounds due to vibrations.
In P.E this term, we are learning how to play rounders! This week, the children practised throwing and catching.
Easter Week
We cannot believe how fast the Spring Term has flown by. We have had such a busy time with lots of visitors, the play and swimming. As the children have worked so hard this term, we have spent the last week making Easter crafts, playing games, attending the Easter Service and Hunting for eggs.
We hope you have a fantastic break with your families and don't eat too many chocolate eggs!
The Wind in the Willows
We are so proud of all the children in Year 4 for their commitment to our school play. They have astonished us with their effort and dedication during rehersals. Well done everyone!
Design and Technology Project
This week the children have worked very hard on their DT projects. The children were tasked with designing and creating their own money containers. After careful planning, they started to make the money containers. The children concentrated hard, learning how to thread a needles and create stitches to form their money containers. We were very impressed with all of the children's needle work. Finally, the children decorated their money containers ready to take home for the Easter holiday.
Sports Leaders
A group of children went to help Mr Bourne with the Year 2's Scavenger Hunt. Each sports leader helped 5 children search for clues to complete the hunt. Mr Bourne commented on how well the Sport Leaders interacted with the younger children and lead each group.
Animal Workshop
We absolutely loved our animal workshop with Animals 2U. We learned about ferrets, stick insects, Gecko and snakes. The children really enjoyed handling the animals. They voted for their favourite animal, which was the ferret. The children were so well-behaved and kept really quite when the animals were out. Thank you so much to the PTA for organising the workshop for us!
Life Education
This week, Hawthorn Class took part in a life workshop. The children discussed a variety of topics such as different systems within the body, friendships and keeping your body healthy.
Happy Mother's Day!
Sikhism Workshop
The children in Hawthorn had a superb time with our visitor Eva. They learned all about Sikhism and the story of the Guru. The children re-told the story through role play as well taking part in a parade before the workshop finished.
Advertising our Inventions
To support our science week, we created adverts to try and sell our inventions! The children were fantastic at coming up with slogans and jingles to sell their product. Some children performed theirs to the class and were very brave singing their songs aloud.
Cave Art Work
For our History this week, we have been exploring how Stone Age people communicated. The children discovered that, using animal blood or berries, people who lived in the Stone Age painted on cave walls to tell stories and communicate. They were extremely creative and we even tea stained the paper to make it look old!
PCSO Visit
Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed a visit from the local PCSO. They came to talk to the children about ‘Clever never goes’ and discussed about the danger of talking to or going with people we don’t know. They gave the children scenarios and they had to decide if they were safe, unsafe of if they weren’t sure. The children impressed us with their knowledge of how to be safe. After this, they then got to create posters!
Science week- Innovative Inventions
This week, the children generated ideas for an innovative invention. We discussed what innovative meant and how other inventors had created thoughtful ideas to help support future generations. The children then created their own inventions by drawing and labelling each part. They even discussed how much it would cost to make and then sell their inventions.
English - Using Dictionaries
This week in English, we have practised using dictionaries. We learnt about lots of unfamiliar words showing us how a dictionary can expand our vocabulary. We also took part in a competition racing each other to find words.
World Book Day 2022
Hawthorn Class celebrated World Book Day by taking part in lots of activities throughout the day. Each child wrote a book review about a book they would recommend to the Class. We collected them and created a book to introduce new texts and genres to the children. Lainey, our class librarian, went with a group of children to reception to share books with the younger children. We also had some amazing costumes of the children’s favourite characters.
Mardi Gras
Hawthorn celebrated Mardi Gras by decorating masks with bright colours. The children then walked around the classroom parading with their masks.
Children’s Mental Health Week
This years theme for Children’s Mental Health Week was ‘Growing Together’. We spent lots of time discussing the meaning of mental health and how to recognise different emotions. The children also planted sunflowers seeds and painted wooden discs to go on The Feeling Tree outside the front of the school.
Play Rehearsals
Year 4 have begun rehearsing for their play - The Wind in the Willows. How excited we all are for this years production.
Weather Closure
Please find below some work for Friday. Children can also go onto any of the links:
As the children have their play after half term, we have asked them to learn their lines and the song lyrics for when we return.
Have a lovely half term, stay safe and relax ready for another wonderful term at Preston Primary!
Ice Creams!
There were lots of smiling faces as we collected our ice creams from the Ice Cream Man. A massive thank you to to the PTA from Hawthorn Class.
Cross Country
Well done to all the children who competed in the cross country race at Yeovil Showground. A special congratulations to Alaya who came 4th in the Year 4 girls race.
Safer Internet Day
Hawthorn Class took part in Safer Internet Day. The children completed activities that promoted discussion about when and how to use the internet safely. We talked about topics such as age ratings, talking to strangers online and keeping our personal information safe. Thank you to Year 5's, Evie and Emmanuel, who hosted a quiz for our class about keeping safe on the internet.
Rice Crispy Cakes
This half-term in Science, we have been learning about 'States of Matter'. The children have learnt how materials can change state. For example, Water can be a solid, liquid or gas. We conducted an experiment to observe the change of state when heating up chocolate. We then made rice crispy cakes. There were lots of chocolaty fingers and mouths by the time we had finished!
Hawthorn Librarian
Well done to everyone who stood up in front of the class and shared why they would make a good librarian. There was lots of brilliant ideas. Congratulations to Lainey, who is Hawthorn's new school librarian. Lainey will have lots of responsibilities, including helping with book audits and collecting suggestions for new books, helping in the school library and organising the class book shelf.
The Big Garden Bird Watch
Preston Primary School were very lucky to receive 10 handmade bird boxes from Graham Pritchard and his Father-in-law Bill. As our Eco Team Member, Lily went to assist with putting up the bird boxes.Hawthorn Class now have their own bird box to monitor and observe. Lily will be checking the bird box a few times a week to look for signs of nesting. We hope we will have some chicks by the end of Spring!
Taunton Museum Trip
Hawthorn had an excellent time at Taunton Museum learning about the Tudors. In the morning, the children completed different workshops including writing with a quill, visiting a poor persons house and making soap. After lunch, the children walked around the museum learning about the timeline of British History. We saw some amazing artefacts and everyone was very inquisitive. We were very pleased with all of the children’s behaviour and engagement throughout the day.
This week in maths, we have been learning about different ways to record and present data. We have learnt about tally charts and bar charts. The children had to collect their own data about a chosen topic using a tally chart and then present it in their own bar chart. On Friday, we used the laptops to create our bar charts on excel.
Christmas Week
Hawthorn Class spent a whole week celebrating Christmas. The children took part in a range of activities including making cards, clay decorations, pine cone trees, oil pastel drawings and Kahoot Quizzes. Christmas lunch was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone. Well done to Phoebe and Semi, who performed a reading at the Christmas service. The children listened and sang the Christmas carols brilliantly.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Hawthorn Class!
D.T Project
Hawthorn Class enjoyed creating their D.T projects this term. They were tasked with designing and making a 3D Christmas book. The children wrote a Christmas story and planned moving mechanisms into their illustrations. They used lollipop sticks for moving characters, split pins for moving objects, springs for objects popping out and card for opening and closing doors. We were very pleased with the end result and hope the children enjoy reading them at home.
A Visit from Reverend Ruth
The children were very lucky to have a visit from Reverend Ruth during their R.E lesson. The children prepared questions to ask Reverend Ruth about Christianity and St James’ Church.
Aboriginal Art
Hawthorn spent this half-term studying aboriginal art. We looked at a variety of artwork and learnt about the journey and how each piece told a story. We discussed how the symbols were used as an alternative method of writing down stories of cultural importance. The children then designed their own, using cotton buds and paint to replicate the method.
A big well done to our Hawthorn boys and the rest of Year 4 who represented Preston Primary during their home match. The whole team played wonderfully and won 10-5 against the other team.
Teeth Experiment
Hawthorn class have conducted an experiment to see how different drinks effect our teeth. We chose five drinks; water, milk, orange juice, coke, energy drink. We looked at how we could make our experiment reliable and a fair test. We left the eggs for a week, checking them everyday. Today, we have taken out the eggs and examined them, writing our results into our books. We concluded that coke and energy drinks effect your teeth the most. Water and milk are the healthiest.
Well done to Oscar who won man of the match on Saturday. Oscar plays for a team outside of school with some of the other children in Year 4. He won a trophy for scoring the only 2 goals in the match.
Children in Need
Tudor Day
Hawthorn class enjoyed taking part in Year 4 Tudor Day! We began the day by drawing portraits of Henry VIII wives. The children then made Tudor Roses out of clay which we painted later in the week. We made crowns fit for a King or Queen. Before lunch, we watched a Horrible Histories Tudor episode. After lunch, we practised our archery skills ready to take part in our class competition and made Punch and Judy puppets. Well done to all the children for getting involved and being so well-behaved, we had a lovely day together!
Odd Sock Day
The children wore their odd socks to school today to mark the start of Anti-bullying week. We saw some very bright, colourful socks! The children will be taking part in lots of activities centered around bullying throughout the week.
Well done to Ollie who came 2nd place in his Go Karting Competition. What an amazing trophy!
Jacqueline Wilson
We were lucky enough to join in with a zoom call with Jacqueline Wilson. The author that inspires so many of our class. Jacqueline Wilson discussed why and how she started her writing career, how she created some of her characters and about her new book - The Primrose Railway Children. The book is a re-imagining of E Nesbit's classic set in the present day. We also followed a tutorial by the illustrator of the book Rachel Dean.
Remembrance Day
Young and old are now dead,
Time to rest their courageous heads.
Father and sons in despair,
Their souls floating up into thin air.
Remember them forever.
They were sad to leave their family,
although they flew up happily.
While the sun shimmered in the sky,
The planes glimmered way up high.
Remember them forever.
The men were always strong together,
Wives left with only memories forever.
Lest we forget we will always speak,
Stood together means never be weak.
Remember them forever.
By Lainey
The Digestive System
Hawthorn have been learning about the digestive system in Science. We have looked at the different parts and learnt their functions. The children took part in an experiment to show the different features of the digestive system. We used a freezer bag with orange juice for the stomach and acid, banana and biscuits as food to show what happens in the stomach. The children took it in turns to churn the food with their hands. The food then travelled through the small and large intestines. We then cut the bottom and watched the food come out. The children enjoyed taking part and there was lots of laughs!
In Geography, Hawthorn Class have been learning about volcanoes. We have learnt about the different parts of a volcano, why and how a volcano erupts and where volcanoes are usually found. The children have researched and created fact files about a chosen volcano in the world. We have spent time creating our own volcanoes out of papier-mache. The children used a bottle, newspaper and cardboard to create the structure. We then papier-mache using flour and water and then painted them. After working so well together, the children spent the afternoon using vinegar, food colouring and baking powder to create an explosion.
In R.E this term we have looked at the life of William Booth one of the founders of the Salvation Army. We have investigated the key turning-points in William Booth's life that lead to the formation of the Salvation Army as well as how he devoted his life to helping others.
Hawthorn class wore yellow to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Day. We discussed that we all struggle with how we are feeling sometimes and it's normal to have ups and downs. We talked about what makes us happy and feel positive including sining in the shower, going on a walk and drinking warm hot chocolate.
Harvest Festival
Hawthorn Class enjoyed celebrating Harvest Festival. The children brought in items of food to donate to The Lord’s Larder. The children discussed the meaning of Harvest Festival and what they were thankful for. We attended an assembly held by Reverend Ruth. Well done to Ben H who spoke so clearly when reading a poem.
Hawthorn are enjoying their dance lessons on a Thursday afternoon. They have been learning a variety of dance routines with Mrs Hill focussing on hip-hop.
Art with Miss Roy
Art Week
Hawthorn Class have thoroughly enjoyed Art Week. We have spent time looking at different artists and discussing various art work. We used watercolours to create our own pictures. We looked at mixing and blending colours to create a background and then added black on top to create a silhouette. We were very pleased with the final results!
This week Hawthorn Class has been learning how to multiply a two-digit number by a two-digit number. We have spent the week learning the correct method and with lots of practise the children were able to answer questions independently. Well done everyone you worked very hard!
This week in Art, we have looked at different sketching techniques. The children walked around the field choosing an item they would like to sketch. They brought the item back to the classroom to sketch. We were very impressed with the concentration and effort the class put into their drawings.
School Council Representative
Well done to all the children who volunteered for school council. The children took it in turns to stand up in front of the class and explain why they would make the best candidate. With plenty of ideas, it was a close vote.
Congratulations to Oscar for being elected as Hawthorn’s School Council Representative.
Welcome to Hawthorn Class!
We are so thrilled to be able to welcome back all our new Year 4 pupils this week. It is lovely to see the positivity and enthusiasm the children have about being back in school. The first week back was full of productivity and getting to grips with new routines. The children have enjoyed sharing their memories of the Summer Holidays as well as getting stuck into the Year 4 curriculum.
We are looking forward to supporting your children throughout Year 4 and seeing them reach their full potential ready for Year 5. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me - Miss Taylor.