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Preston C of E Primary School is a member of Preston Primary Academy Trust

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Collective Worship

Collective Worship is an integral part of our school life, embodying our Christian ethos while celebrating inclusivity. It offers a dedicated space for spiritual reflection, connection, and the nurturing of our Christian and British values which underpin our daily practice. In these moments, we draw inspiration from Christian teachings while ensuring an environment where students of all backgrounds feel welcomed and valued.

Our pupils are invited to share in a daily act of worship which may be led by pupils, staff or members of the clergy and community.


Collective worship in our school allows both pupils and school staff to:


• Participate in a sense of community

• Offer praise and thanksgiving to God

• Embrace moments of stillness and reflection

• Delve into life's profound questions and react to national events

• Cultivate respect and enhance spiritual awareness

• Contemplate the nature of God and the teachings of Christ

• Affirm Christian values and perspectives

• Share in each other's joys and challenges

• Mark special occasions in the Christian calendar


Please see our Collective Worship policy for more information

The Diocese of Bath and Wells has published some fantastic Collective Worship videos online: please visit Collective worship video resources - Bath and Wells Diocese


You can also access St James' Church services and worship online at St James & St Peter's Yeovil - YouTube

Faith in Art Competition 


As part of our Inter-Faith Week celebrations, the children were invited to take part in a 'Faith in Art' competition.  They were asked to create a piece of artwork that shows their faith and what it means to them.  Thank you so much to the children that took time to take part; your artwork is amazing!    The winner will be announced shortly!

Harvest Festival


We held our Harvest Festivals this week.  Rev. Keen came to join our collective worship and talked to us about how much food people around the world have compared to our country and how much they spend.  It was interesting to see the different type of food that different countries eat and how much they spend on their food.


Children shared poems and prayers during both Key Stage One and Key Stage Two festivals.


We would like to say a big 'Thank you' to our wonderful parents and carers who donated so much food for our festival.  It will be donated to The Lord's Larder to help families in need.



Anthony Phillips visited our collective worship to share his views as a Humanist.  It was interesting to hear how his beliefs differ from ours.
