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Mayan Chocolate Making


To end the term and our Mayan History topic, we gave the children an authentic (ish) Mayan chocolate making experience. The children started by breaking up bars of milk and dark chocolate into small pieces. This was then mixed over a stove with boiling water and honey to make a hot chocolate-esque drink. To top it all off, the chocolate drink was served to the children in bowls rather than cups, imitating the way the Mayas would have served their chocolate. 


Before the children were allowed to drink their creation, they had to smell the drink and predict whether they thought they were going to enjoy it or not. It's safe to say that most people were pleasantly surprised with the results.

Science Day


To round off Science Fortnight, Year 6 participated in a whole day of exciting science experiments. Some of the amazing activities the children took part in where: making homemade slime, a coke and mentos investigation, Elephant's Toothpaste, a soup and pepper investigation and giant bubble making.


To finish off the day, the children staged their own version of Dragon's Den, in which they thought of a lifechanging invention in their groups, created an in depth poster presentation to accompany their inventions and then presented their proposals to the rest of the class and the expert panel of judges. They all did an excellent job and I was blown away by the thought and detail that went into their presentations. It's safe to say that there were investments made all round.

Super STEM Workshop


Year 6 were lucky enough to be invited, by Yeovil College, to an exciting STEM workshop where they learned all about the meaning and importance of STEM, and participated in some exciting activities. The children took part in challenges centred around neuromatics, engineering and dentistry, using teamwork to build bridges and using their innovative thinking and designing skills to make their own keyrings.

Trip to Yeovil Country Park


Recently, we have been lucky enough to be invited down to Yeovil Country Park for a community heritage day. While there, we took part in activities representing Yeovil's involvement in the gloving industry, our ties with aircraft engineering and the appreciation of the amazing nature opportunities we have on our doorsteps. Take a look at what we got up to. 

World Book Day


This World Book Day, we celebrated by writing our own amazing book reviews of our favourite stories, taking a trip to our amazing book fair and, of course, going all out on our fantastic costumes. Why not take a look at some of our curious characters?

Periscope Perspectives


To end our science topic of light, we decided to explore the ideas of reflection and refraction by creating our own periscopes. The children worked in pairs to cut and fold their templates, carefully stick them all together and then attach their mirrors at 45 degree angles at each end of their periscopes. We then had some fun testing out our periscopes around the classroom. 

Mayan Art


As part of the new Mayan Art and History topics, the children have been exploring different techniques for mark making, using resources from nature, just like the Maya people would have done. We then moved on to the idea of finding our own Maya Spirit Symbols and incorporating these into our art, alongside representations of what we are passionate about. Have a look at our projects in progress...

Playground Mayhem


On the last day of term, Year 6 undertook the exciting task of creating their own playgrounds. The children first designed their apparatus - considering safety, mechanics, materials and the type of structures being used - before making a scaled floor plan of their design. They then began constructing their playgrounds with access to paper straws, card, wooden dowels, lollipop sticks and kitchen foil. Excitingly, under close supervision, the children were able to try their hand at using hot glue guns and hand saws. All of the children's creations were fantastic, and they should be very proud of themselves for their creativity and determination.    

Roy Lichtenstein - Pop Art


This term, our topic for Art has been Pop Art and our chosen artist was Roy Lichtenstein. We started by researching Roy for our artist study and then began replicating his techniques (bold colours, onomatopoeia, sharp lines and use of spots and small circles for texture) with the end goal of creating our own pieces of art inspired by him. 

The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant


Recently in RE, we have been thinking about the idea of the Kingdom of God and how this relates to the idea of forgiveness. To help us with this, we reminded ourselves about the important messages in the Lord's Prayer and then introduced ourselves to the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant which exemplifies Jesus' teachings about how and when we should forgive people. To help us better understand the story, we split into groups to act out the parable, thinking about the important themes and movements we could include. 


We then took the message of the parable (that God and Jesus always forgive us, so we should forgive others) and applied it to modern day scenarios to consider why it can sometimes feel difficult to forgive people. 

World Religion Day


This World Religion Day, the children in Mulberry class were excited to to share their experiences with different religions, as well as engaging in important discussions about the school's Christian values. We even had a class discussion about how different prayer rituals and preparations are important to different people, particularly in faiths such as Judaism. 

Bristol vs Cancun


Recently in Year 6, we have been busy creating Geography presentations comparing the geographical features of South Somerset and South Mexico, focussing on everything from features of physical geography and biomes to human geography and the economy. The children have done an excellent job working with their partners to showcase their research and PowerPoint skills and - once they were finished - even had an opportunity to share their presentations with others in the class. 

Welcome Back!


This week, we jumped straight back into an Extended Write, writing a letter of complaint to Father Christmas for ruining Christmas (in our imagined scenarios). The children were very creative and practiced using threats, flattery, guilt and the subjunctive form to show their anger and disappointment. We were also looking at multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 and multiplying decimals by integers.


As well as some challenging Maths and English, we have been busy starting our new topics for our Foundation subjects: we started our new Evolution and Inheritance topic in Science, rhythm in Music and journeys in French.
