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Year 4 - Hawthorn Class

Treasure Island

Rehearsals have begun for our play 'Treasure Island' that the children will be performing on Tuesday 1st April at 2:30pm and Wednesday 2nd April at 2:30pm. A letter will be out in due course with more information! 


In the meantime, we would appreciate your support with learning lines and practicing songs. Please find attached the script and songs with lyrics! 

World Book Day!
To celebrate World Book Day, the children designed and wrote leaflets about the characters that they had come dressed as. Using subheadings and labelled illustrations, the children provided key information about who they were and what book their characters had come from. Year 4 also enjoyed a visit to the book fair, where they were able to browse and buy exciting new titles with their book vouchers. We were also joined by Jane from Branston Potato Factory to read to us. It was a highly enjoyable day and the children all looked wonderful in their costumes!

Glastonbury Abbey

We had a wonderful time at Glastonbury Abbey. We learned about the the Vikings and Tudors, dressed up as monks to take the vow and heard about the history of the Abbey. We had a glorious day in the sunshine. 

D.T - Pavilions 

This half-term in D.T, we are learning about pavilions. For our first lesson, the children were challenged with making a structure out of spaghetti and putty. Their structures were then tested to see how much weight they could hold. Well done to Zac, whose structure was two-levels high and could hold the weight of a ruler, rubber and pen.

Dictionary Work

In English, we looked at how to use dictionaries. The children enjoyed looking for unusual words and finding out their meanings. 


With our play fast approaching, the children will not be going home with homework for half term. We are asking that the children please learn their lines and song lyrics for the play. As well as this, please could they continue to practice their timestables as our Government test will be taking place soon.


Thank you again for your support. Have a lovely half term!

Safer-Internet Day

This Tuesday, we spent the whole day focussing on how to be safe on the internet. We watched a BBC live lesson, which taught us about phishing and how to spot a scam. We also had a long discussion about how to stay safe on age appropriate games. The children created an e-safety poster.


To finish our topic of painting and mixed media, the children created their own still life display and used all the techniques they have learned over the past few weeks to create a final piece. We were very impressed with the end results. 

Collective Worship

This week, it was Hawthorn's turn to lead the whole school collective worship. Our theme was compassion, particularly the importance of putting ourselves in others' shoes and understanding their feelings and experiences. As part of our worship, the children beautifully retold the parable of the Good Samaritan. They explored how small acts of kindness can make a significant difference and reflected on how we can show compassion in our daily lives.


The children were so excited for our specialist music teacher to come into Hawthorn and teach us how to play the Fife. We started our first lesson learning how to hold and play the instrument correctly. We also continued to learn how to read sheet music. 


In science, we are learning about states of matter, with a focus this week on reversible and irreversible changes. To explore this concept, we made Rice Krispie cakes and observed how the solid chocolate melted into a liquid when heated in the microwave.

Wessex Water Workshop

On Wednesday, we were fortunate to be joined by Tim from Wessex Water. He guided the class through the stages of the water cycle and provided fascinating insights into how dirty water is treated and made clean. The children also had the chance to 'flush' a fake toilet, investigating which materials should and shouldn’t be flushed. We discovered that so-called "flushable" wipes are, in fact, not flushable!


Today, our class engaged in a lively debate! The children worked in groups to discuss the big question: Should Adam and Eve have eaten the forbidden fruit?

Each  group brought a variety of fantastic ideas to the table, presenting their arguments with creativity, confidence, and enthusiasm. Points raised during the debate included the importance of following rules, the consequences of actions, the value of free will, and whether curiosity and learning from mistakes can sometimes lead to something positive. After a thorough discussion and careful consideration of all the arguments, the class held a vote. The majority decided that Adam and Eve should not have eaten the forbidden fruit, as the consequences were too significant to justify their decision.


In maths, we have been exploring the concept of mass. We estimated and measured the weight of various objects, converted measurements between grams and kilograms, and practiced reading different types of scales accurately.

World Religion Day

To celebrate World Religion Day, we talked about different religions and learned lots of new things. Then, we used what we learned to make paper chain people holding hands, showing how religions around the world can come together.

3D Painting

In our art lesson on making shapes look 3D, we used red paint as the base color and experimented with creating tints and shades by adding white for highlights and black for shadows. We focused on understanding how light interacts with objects, considering where the light hits to create highlights and where shadows naturally form.



This week in Maths, we have been learning how to collect and present data in various ways. On Monday, the children focused on creating tally charts. On Tuesday, they transformed the data from their tally charts into bar graphs. On Wednesday, they practiced interpreting and answering questions about different types of charts. Finally, on Thursday, they used Excel to sort and present data effectively.

Tints and Shades

To begin our art topic, Hawthorn class explored the concept of tints and shades. The children experimented with three base colours, gradually blending in black and white to create a variety of tones.

India Workshop

The Year 4's had a wonderful time participating in the India Workshop. They learned about traditions of India and the geographical features. They eagerly took part in hands-on activities, including learning traditional dances, crafting rangoli designs, and playing authentic musical instruments. The classroom was filled with energy and enthusiasm as the children embraced the dynamic spirit of Indian culture.



We have had an absolutely magical week celebrating Christmas together! From creating Christmas crafts to sipping hot chocolate topped with cream and marshmallows and our class Christmas party. We have listened to Christmas stories, played exciting Christmas-themed games, and been to the pantomime and the church service.


To all our Year 4 families, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! May your holidays be filled with joy, laughter, and precious memories. We can’t wait to see you all again next term for more adventures and learning! 🎄✨


What a fantastic time we had at the pantomime watching Jack and the Beanstalk! Thank you so much to the PTA for organising such a wonderful event. It’s truly one of our favourite days of the year.

Christmas Dinner

D.T - Santa Sleigh

In Design and Technology, we have been focusing on creating a moving vehicle. As part of this festive project, the children designed and built their own Santa sleighs. They began by constructing the chassis using lollipop sticks, exploring techniques to ensure stability and functionality. During the design process, the children also considered how to make their sleighs more aerodynamic, experimenting with shapes and different features. The project ended in an exciting test day, where the children were able to put their sleighs to the test to see whose design could travel the furthest.

Outdoor Learning

This half-term, we have thoroughly enjoyed participating in our outdoor learning curriculum, which has provided the children with opportunities to connect with nature and develop new skills. To conclude our sessions on a festive note, the children crafted their own Christmas wreaths. Using a variety of natural materials such as leaves, twigs, and other seasonal foliage, they carefully designed and assembled beautiful wreaths to take home as ornaments.


This half-term in computing, we have been exploring different podcasts. The children began by brainstorming and writing their own scripts, focusing on engaging content, structure, and clear communication. They then moved on to the technical side, where they learned the basics of recording, editing, and fine-tuning their audio. Throughout this process, they experimented with tools to enhance sound quality, add music or sound effects, and create professional-sounding results.

Festive Helicopter Visit

The children were overjoyed as Father Christmas made an action-packed entrance, arriving by helicopter! Excitement filled the air as the helicopter circled and landed on the playing field. Santa, accompanied by his trusty elf, jumped out to greet the children and collect their letters. After spreading festive cheer, they climbed back aboard and were whisked away in the aircraft. It was a magical and unforgettable experience for everyone!

School Cup 

Well done to Ferne, who won the school cup this week. She won the cup for always being kind, caring and considerate to adults and children around the school. She tries her hardest in everything she does and is a joy to have in our class. 

Teeth Experiment

This week in science, we continued our study of teeth by writing our first scientific experiment write-up. We focused on defining our aims, making predictions, identifying variables, and ensuring the test was fair. For the experiment, we placed six eggs in different liquids to observe their effects, replicating how these liquids might impact our teeth. 

Outdoor Learning

This week in outdoor learning, we studied the habitats of animals living near us, with a special focus on insects and minibeasts. We designed bug habitats to place in our gardens, aiming to attract and observe different insects.

RSPCA Workshop

The RSPCA assembly focused on protecting wildlife, with an emphasis on the importance of caring for animals in their natural habitats. During the session, we learned practical tips for helping hedgehogs stay safe and healthy during the winter months, such as creating safe spaces for hibernation and providing food and water. Following the assembly, we participated in a hands-on workshop where we crafted our own hedgehogs out of clay, bringing them to life with creative painting. 

Children In Need

Egyptian Workshop

Our class enjoyed an incredible hands-on workshop Egyptian Workshop from the Somerset Museum. We explored real artifacts, painted scarab beetles, dressed in traditional Egyptian costumes, and baked bread with dates using ancient techniques. The highlight was becoming archaeologists, carefully uncovering and analysing ancient objects. 

Anti-bullying Week

The children wore their odd socks to school today to mark the start of Anti-bullying week. We saw some very bright, colourful socks! The children will be taking part in lots of activities centred around bullying throughout the week. 

Jewish Dance Workshop

Year 4 had an energetic time at a Jewish Dance Workshop! The students learned traditional Jewish dance steps, moving together in circles and pairs to lively music. They explored the cultural significance behind the dances, gaining an appreciation for the joy and community spirit they represent.

Remembrance Service

Our school participated in a meaningful Remembrance Day service to honor those who served and sacrificed for our freedom. Students, staff, and community members gathered for a solemn ceremony, observing a moment of silence and listening to thoughtful readings and reflections. Poems were read, and the Last Post was played, creating a space for reflection on the courage and resilience of past generations. Through this service, students gained a deeper understanding of history, empathy, and the importance of remembrance in our daily lives.

Cross Country 

Year 4 recently took part in an exciting cross-country event, showcasing their resilience and determination. Despite the challenging course, every student gave their best effort, cheering each other on and pushing through to the finish line. It was wonderful to see the students supporting one another and celebrating each runner's achievement.

Bonfire Night

Year 4 celebrated Bonfire Night by creating artwork using chalk, black card, and glitter to capture the sparkle and excitement of fireworks. We had an important discussion about Bonfire Night safety. The children shared tips on keeping a safe distance from fireworks, wearing protective gloves when handling sparklers, and always staying with an adult.

Diwali Day

Today, we had a wonderful Diwali celebration filled with a variety of activities. The students enthusiastically coloured festive designs, crafted clay Diyas, and created beautiful bracelets and lanterns. We enjoyed traditional dancing and singing, and the children took great pride in making colourful rangoli patterns using chalk. To conclude our festivities, we held a vibrant parade, carrying lights and visiting other classrooms to share the Diwali spirit. It was a joyful and engaging day that brought everyone together in celebration!

Collective Worship

This week, Charlie, Erin, Aviana, and Zayn led our child-led worship session. They chose to focus on the story of *The Man in the Tree* (Luke 19:1-10), which tells the story of Zacchaeus, who climbed a sycamore tree to see Jesus. They were inspired to select this passage due to the recent events in Florida, drawing a connection between Zacchaeus’s desire for change and the resilience needed in the face of natural disasters. The story’s themes of compassion, transformation, and hope felt particularly relevant during this time, encouraging us all to come together and support those in need.


The grand finale of our volcano project was a huge success! After all the children's hard work, they finally had the chance to set off their volcanoes.


Year 4 recently visited Carymoor, which perfectly ties in with our science topic on living things and their habitats. The children had a fantastic time learning about the environment and the impact of not recycling. They enjoyed activities like pond dipping and creating mini-beasts out of clay. It was a wonderful day, and the children's excellent behaviour made it even more enjoyable!

Learn with the Lords

Earlier this week, Year 4 had an exciting opportunity to join a webinar with Baroness Garden of Frognal. The children asked some brilliant questions. Baroness Garden explained the main differences between the House of Lords and the House of Commons. She also encouraged young people to engage in politics

School Cup

Congratulations to Alana, who was awarded the school cup during today's celebration assembly! She earned this recognition for consistently approaching every task with a smile and an outstanding attitude. Alana always gives her very best effort, no matter the challenge, and her kindness and eagerness to help others make her an absolute joy to be around. We are so proud of her progress—keep shining brightly, Alana!

Child-Led Worship 

This week's Collective Worship was led by Jesse, Willow, Natalia, and Oliver. They chose to focus on the parable of 'The Storm,' found in Matthew 8:23-27 and Mark 4:35-41. This story teaches us that, even when life gets tough and challenges feel overwhelming, we should never give up. Just as Jesus calmed the storm, the children reminded us to turn to God for help and strength in difficult times.


Telling the Time

This week in Maths, we focused on mastering how to tell the time. I was incredibly impressed with the children’s hard work and determination. They showed great confidence in their ability to read both analogue and digital clocks, and their progress has been fantastic!


Today, the children eagerly continued painting their volcanoes, adding the final touches with great care. We are now patiently waiting for the paint to dry in preparation for the exciting eruption next week.

Hello Yellow!


Tying in with our geography lessons, we have finally begun building our volcanoes! The children had a great time constructing the base and using papier-mâché to assemble everything. Next week, we’ll move on to painting them, and I can already tell they’re going to look fantastic!

Scratch Art

After finishing their crayon designs, the children carefully brushed over them with a layer of black paint, creating a cover for their work. They’ve excitedly scratched away at the paint, revealing the bright, colourful artwork. Each scratch brings out unique patterns and vibrant shapes.

Collective Worship

This week, it was Alana, Charlie, India and Brandon's turn for our collective worship session. The parable they chose this week linked to our Christian value of 'Love' just like we studied on Tuesday's collective worship. The children in this group did a wonderful job of performing and reading aloud to the class. 



This week in Maths, we focused on learning how to measure different lengths. The children started by estimating the length of various objects before measuring them accurately. As the week progressed, we practiced converting between different units of measurement and tackled word problems to apply what we had learned.

Tennis Workshop

A big thank you to James for leading our tennis workshop! The children rotated through various stations, practicing their tennis skills with enthusiasm. To wrap up the session, everyone participated in a fun group game. We definitely have some budding tennis stars among us!

Collective Worship

This week, Emrys, Jude, Ruby, and Ferne took the lead in our collective worship. They chose to focus on the Bible story 'Why Not Say Thank You' from Luke 17:17-19, which tells the story of the ten lepers healed by Jesus, but only one returned to say thank you. Through this story, they reminded the class of the importance of showing gratitude, not just for the big things in life, but also for the small things that we often take for granted. They encouraged everyone to remember to say "please" and "thank you" and to be mindful of the blessings we receive every day. Their message was a powerful reminder of how a simple act of gratitude can make a significant difference in our relationships and everyday lives.

National Poetry Day

Happy faces all around,
Always learning new things,
Working together, we are strong,
Trying hard, like champions with wings.

Here in our classroom, we shine bright,
Opportunities to grow each day,
Respect and kindness lead the way,
Never give up, we’ll reach new heights!

Harvest Festival 

This week, we celebrated our Harvest Festival! The children brought in generous donations for the Lord's Larder, which were proudly displayed at the front of the assembly. We sang hymns, read poems, and shared prayers together. Rev. David also shared a Bible story about the importance of the harvest. A special well done to Willow for reading a beautiful poem!


After spending the last two weeks learning a new piece of music, the time had finally come to try it out on the glockenspiels. We reviewed the sheet music and worked on identifying the notes we already knew, applying them to the glockenspiels as we played.

European Day of Languages

This Thursday, we celebrated European Day of Languages. We watched the Language Ambassadors talk in all different languages and teach us a song. In English, we learnt different poems and nursery rhymes in a variety of languages, including British Sign Language. After break, we joined in with a Spanish Lesson hosted by Lingotot and learnt how to describe ourselves. 

Art Week 

We’ve had an incredible week celebrating Art Week! The children explored various artists and experimented with new techniques across multiple subjects. In maths, we studied the work of Kandinsky and created vibrant watercolour pictures inspired by his love of shapes. We also listened to music by Richard Wagner, the composer who influenced Kandinsky’s work. In Science, the children drew and coloured animals in their habitats, tying in beautifully with our current topic.

Owl Visit

Thank you very much to the PTA for organising the visit from the owls. We loved meeting and learning about all the different types of owls. We even got to stroke one of the largest owls in the world - the Great Horned Owl.

Jacques a dit …

Today, we played Simon says in French. Jacques a dit touchez la tete!

Youth Mental Health Day


Arlo, our digital leader, did a wonderful job reading ‘Control Your Scroll’ to the class. Youth Mental Health Day gave us lots of ideas and tips on how to help better our mental health, including taking a break from screens! We made posters to display around our classroom with information about how others can benefit from less screen time.


This week in Art, the children have experimented using charcoal and rubbers. They recreated a scene focussing on the shadows. 




This week in Science, we have been learning about the 5 types of plants. Luckily, the weather stayed dry and we were able to go on a walk around the school to count how many different plants we could see. We created a tally, which we then converted used to convert our findings into a bar chart. 


Hawthorn Class have enjoyed practising their orienteering skills whilst learning what it means to be a team player with Mrs Atkin on a Thursday. We have also practised throwing and catching a ball over a long and short distance. 

Roald Dhal Week 


This week in English, we have based our learning on books written by Roald Dhal including Fantastic Mr Fox, Matilda, George's Marvellous Medicine and the BFG. The children wrote their own playscripts based on The BFG. Afterwards, we rehearsed and performed them. 


This week in maths, Hawthorn Class have been learning how to multiply two-digit numbers by two-digit number. The children have worked so hard and we are so impressed with their timestables knowledge already!

Welcome to Hawthorn Class!


We are so thrilled to be able to welcome back all our new Year 4 pupils this week. It is lovely to see the positivity and enthusiasm the children have about being back in school. The first week back was full of productivity and getting to grips with new routines. The children have enjoyed sharing their memories of the Summer Holidays as well as getting stuck into the Year 4 curriculum.


We are looking forward to supporting your children throughout Year 4 and seeing them reach their full potential ready for Year 5. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me - Mrs Moseley
