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Preston C of E Primary School is a member of Preston Primary Academy Trust

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Breakfast Club

Preston Primary runs a breakfast club from 8am - 8.50am Monday - Friday during term time.  Children are given a healthy breakfast and enjoy a variety of activities under the supervision of experienced staff.


The cost of the club is £2.75 per session per child.  Payment and booking can only be done online via and payment has to be made in advance (per sessions booked). 


Places will only be available with prior booking, we request as a minimum 1 weeks notice for both bookings and cancellations.  Without this notice we cannot guarantee your child(ren) a place and you may be charged for unwanted places.  If you wish to cancel a booking please call the school office on 01935 474538.


If you would like to book a place and have never used breakfast club before please contact the school office.  Thank you.


Please see attached policy and registration sheet for your information.
