Responsibility and respect
We have high expectations for behaviour and ensure our children have positive role models to become respectful, responsible citizens by following our school and class rules.
Our children take part in daily collective worship alongside key stage assemblies, singing assembly and praise assembly. During our weekly collective worship assembly, children focus on links to our core Christian values. These values include: community, compassion, courage, dignity, forgiveness, friendship, generosity, hope, joy, justice, peace, perseverance, respect, service, thankfulness, trust, truthfulness and wisdom.
A display of one of Christian values, forgiveness.
Moral development
We encourage all of our children to reflect upon their moral responsibilities within our local community and society. Examples of this include: Year 6 Mock Trial and EYFS's work on sustainability in which they created a collaborative art display as an end product with a local artist.
Somebody Swallowed Stanley, EYFS - Autumn 2022
Class Rules
Our children understand the class and school rules that underpin our school community. They are respectful of each other and respectful of their peers and environment.