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Pupil Voice

We value the views of our children and listen to their opinions of different curriculum subjects including maths. Every term, we ask different groups of children questions about their work and what they enjoyed.  In KS1 these questions include sharing their books and discussing:

  • A favourite piece of work and what made it a good piece of work?
  • What does your teacher look for in a piece of work?
  • How do you know if you've done well?
  • What would you like to get better at?
  • What helped you to get better at this piece of work?
  • Compared to last term/last year, what have you improved at?
  • Do you like maths?


In KS2, questions take the format of:

  • What level are your working at and why?
  • Do you know what makes your work the level it is?
  • Can you tell me about the learning journey you went through to achieve with this piece of work?
  • What are your targets for this term?
  • What progress have you made since last term and why?
  • How do you feel about maths and why?



Summer Term Pupil Voice - KS1

Esme Yr2:

What piece of work are you most proud of in your book?

'I choose measuring lengths as it was hard to draw the lengths.'

In this work, what is the most important thing to get right?

'To try my best and measure carefully'

Compared to last year, what are you most proud of?

'My confidence in maths has improved.'

What advice would you give to someone about to start Yr2 in September?

'To keep trying and you will achieve.'


Hayden Yr2:

What piece of work are you most proud of in your book?

'I choose multiplication facts using arrays because it was tricky and I did it independently.'

In this work, what is the most important thing to get right?

'To present my work neatly and form my numbers carefully.'

Compared to last year, what are you most proud of?

'I know now my 2, 5 and 10s times tables as well as a few others.'

What advice would you give to someone about to start Yr2 in September?

'To show your workings and complete the target your teacher sets you.'
