27th - 31st March. This week is the final week of the Spring term...what a busy term we have had! Have a wonderful, restful Easter holiday!
We finished our Art topic by creating our abstract sculptures using recycled materials. We glued, cut, and folded sections together to make playground equipment.
We had our Easter service this week, with Rev. Keen. Well done to all the children who read, you were amazing!
20th - 24th March. Crazy Scientist Day!! We dressed up as crazy scientists and spent the day doing experiments...it was so much fun!
Rev. Keen came to visit to talk to us about Holy Communion and Easter. He gave us some bread to share.
We had a Fizz Pop Science workshop where we made slime!
13th - 17th March. We kicked off Science Week with a BBC live lesson on forces.
We visited the Science Dome today! We learnt about light and shadow, and how to separate light. it was so interesting!
Mrs Chambers organised a Science Fair for Science Week. Well done Ivy for coming 2nd and Ariana for coming 3rd. Also well done to Poppy B, Ava and Lexi for making a project. It was so much fun seeing all of the projects and experiments.
In DT this week we made our moving monsters, using a pneumatic system...blowing into a tube to blow up a balloon! We had lots of fun!
6th - 10th March. Our Science was very cool this week...we used mirrors to reflect beams of light. In the dark, it looked amazing! We used 3 mirrors to reflect the light into a zigzag. We also learnt about how to keep ourselves safe in the sun and designed leaflets to give information to others.
In Music, we practised our melodies that we wrote using the pentatonic scale. They were so good! We learnt a Chinese song and played along with that as well.
After researching pneumatic systems last week in DT, this week we looked at ‘exploding diagrams’ and thumbnail sketches to design our monster. We are looking forward to making them next week!
In English, we designed our own dragon! We then wrote about it in a non-chronological report.
In Art, we used our cereal box to create free standing sculptures by thinking about shapes in sculpture. We didn’t use glue or sellotape to keep our structures standing!
27th February - 3rd March. Another busy week! It was World Book Day this week which we celebrated by dressing up as our favourite book character. There was a wide range of characters, whi