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Activity 9 Write, Post, Learn

Year 4 children and Year 6 children will have the opportunity to write and share letters and postcards with children in France and Spain on a half-termly basis. Not only will this give the children the chance to improve their writing skills but allow them to have an understanding of any cultural similarities and differences that they may have with the children they correspond with. Spanish and French children will share knowledge about their local community and country and the children at Preston will share their own local knowledge and other interesting landmarks in the UK. Where possible, a Skype call may be used at the end of the term, giving the children a face to face meeting with their writing penpal. Even though Spanish is not taught during language lessons, the children will be given and taught key phrases they can use when communicating with their new Spanish friends.We will use Google maps to virtually visit our partner school, this will help make the new school more real to our children.The children will work in pairs to write three simple questions about the country and will swap for others to research the answers online. Using their French language skills,developed through their language lessons, children will communicate in french orally and in written form, when the chance arises, so promoting confidence and fluency in speaking another language.

Our Zoom Call with Our Friends in Yueyang China
