Happy Summer Fete Day!
The children were treated to a sneaky try of the Summer Fete inflatables this afternoon! The weather was glorious and there were smiles all round :) Thank you PTA!
Magdalen Farm
Today we went on a fantastic, albeit rather soggy, school trip to Magdalen Farm in Chard.
We began the day by learning all about river habitats, walking in a shallow part of the River Axe and using nets to see what we could catch. After lunch, we learnt about the habitat and survival skills of the Hazel Dormouse and had a competition to see which team could make the warmest home for one. We learnt all about how animals adapt to their surroundings, and how bees work together in a hive. A brilliant day that we will all remember and we cannot wait to go back!
Please have a look at Cedar Class’s page for more pictures.
Sports Day
What a fabulous afternoon we have had! The rain held off, everyone showed great sportsmanship and we all enjoyed lots of fun races. Well done to all of year two for trying hard, showing great resilience and cheering each other on. Well done to the mums, dads and little ones who joined in! Thanks to the PTA for providing every child with a drink. It was very much appreciated.
We had a visit from Jane and Harold the giraffe today. We talked about lots of different ways that we can keep our minds and bodies healthy. The session linked to previous learning that we have done in our PSHCE and science lessons.
Online Science Lesson
We took part in a live online science lesson called “The Lamb Diaries”. The lesson linked closely to the science work that we have carried out about life cycles and keeping animals healthy. We saw a lamb being born and learnt about the things that farmers do to help care for the sheep on their farm. We also learnt about ways in which sheep are adapted to their habitat and saw a sheep being sheared.
Circus Skills Family Learning
We have had an amazing morning learning lots of new skills from Hannah. Our Circus Skills family learning was great fun. We have juggled, tried plate spinning, used hula hoops, and walked the tightrope. Each of us chose our favourite activity to perform in the end of session show. Thanks to the parents who were able to join us and to the PTA who helped to fund the session.
Global Games Day
Year 2 have had a fantastic morning with Mr Bourne and the year 6 children. The children worked co-operatively to try out different sports from around the world, supported brilliantly by the year 6 children. Well done to Natalia and Brandon for getting a special mention from Mr Bourne for being such good sports stars!
Today Dom came to work with us in our first of five tennis coaching sessions. We had great fun and learnt lots of new skills. We particularly enjoyed handling the rackets and cannot wait to do more!
Print Making
This afternoon saw us completing our art topic on maps. We each tried our hand at printing. We created a print design on a polystyrene tile and printed our ideas onto card. They look very effective!
Knitted Bible Stories at St James’ Church
This morning we walked to St James’ church to see the knitted Bible stories. The displays were arranged in the order that the stories appear in The Bible. The details in the displays were amazing. We also spent some time looking at the stained glass windows, following on from our art work. Thanks to David for inviting us.
Art Day
To celebrate the end of our assessments, we had fun day of art today! We were very adventurous and had a go at making felt for the first time and with great success. We loved getting messy and working as a team to create our hand felted images. During the afternoon, Mr.Strong taught us how to make a stained glass window collage.
Famous Nurses Workshop
This morning Maple Class had a very informative and exciting visit from Sharon from The Somerset Museum Service. We took turns to experience life as a soldier or nurse in Scutari hospital by dressing up and using bandages, designed a healthy meal for a soldier from the Crimean War and handled artefacts that Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale would have used. We really enjoyed the workshop and all agreed that life would have been very hard back then!
God Save The King!
Maple Class have had a fantastic day celebrating the upcoming coronation of King Charles III. We took part in a whole school assembly, learned about New Zealand and the Commonwealth, learnt the Haka dance, designed our own crowns, made soldiers, hats and orbs. Please take a look at our photo gallery to see all of the amazing activities!
Visitor from New Zealand
To celebrate the Coronation, each Year group has been allocated a Commonwealth country to learn about. As Year 2 are learning about New Zealand, Mrs.Rich invited her friend Luke to come in and talk to the children about being a New Zealander! Luke taught us some phrases in Maori, showed us how to do the Haka dance and taught us all about life in New Zealand.
We had some special visitors in Year two today. Sienna from Maple very kindly brought in her tadpoles as we have been learning about the life cycle of the frog. We were excited to see that the tadpoles were moving into the next stage of their growth into froglets and had little back legs! Thank you to Sienna for bringing them in to show us.
Measuring Capacity
This week we have been learning how to measure capacity using standard units. We have had a carousel of activities. Some children had a go at reading different scales on lots of measuring jugs and cylinders. Some children answered capacity related problems in a real life context. Some children worked practically to estimate and measure the capacity of a variety of containers.
Easter Crafts
To celebrate Easter, we have been making a variety of Easter crafts in Maple Class including Easter hats, cards and bunny masks! Happy Easter to everyone and we hope that you all have a lovely break.
DT: Wheels and Axles - Building a Ferris Wheel
Today was the day that we put our learning about wheels and axles into action. Our designs came to life as we worked in co-operative groups to build our Ferris wheels. We had a design criteria and worked hard to make sure we followed our plans.
Science Day
To continue our Science fortnight celebrations, Year 2 had a fantastic day today learning what it is like to be a Scientist! First, we thought about what a Scientists is and does, and learnt about the variety of jobs that you can do as a Scientist. Then, on a four group rotation, we took part in four different experiments; Cauldron Chaos, Purple Potion Making, Wonderful Wands and Magical Mixers. We were amazed with the results of the experiments which looked at chemical reactions between bicarbonate of soda, lemon juice, and cabbage water. We then discovered the colour mixing properties of putting sweets into a bowl and using food colouring with milk and washing up liquid. We all agreed that it was a fantastic and very interesting day!
Growing Broad Beans
In Science we have been learning about how plants grow, specifically what they need to grow healthily. We set up an experiment with four variables for the growing conditions of our seeds. Each week we observed the changes to the beans and discovered which one had the most successful germination.
The Great Fire Of London Workshop
Today we had a visit from Sharon who works at the Somerset Museum Heritage Service. She cam to speak to us about The Great Fire of London and to teach us more about it. We had the opportunity to try and put out a 'fire' using fabric buckets, wrote Secretary Font letters using ink and a quill, dressed up in period style clothing and handled artefacts from the period. We all had a fantastic afternoon and particularly enjoyed the dressing up!
Science Stars!
Congratulations to Arlo and Lyla for wining second and third place for their year 2 science fair entries! This is a well deserved award as you both worked so hard on your projects about the Solar System and sugar in drinks. Well done!
Science Fair 2023
We had a very exciting visit to the Science Fair this morning, and we were amazed by the variety of projects on display. Good Luck to Lyla, Ella, Arlo and Natalia who submitted their projects into the fair.
World Book Day 2023
Happy World Book Day everyone! Everyone has come to school in brilliant costumes today and have been able to tell us all about their chosen book characters. Thank you to everyone at home for sorting costumes out! We had great fun this morning taking part in the Live ‘Booky and Footy’ quiz run by The Literacy Network.
Author Visit- Tom McLaughlin
This week we will be celebrating World Book day and today we were lucky enough to have a visit from author and illustrator Tom McLaughlin. He showed us how he draws his pictures using shapes for inspiration, and his IPad to create them. Tom read us three of his books, including ‘Cloudspotter’, and showed us how he draws his characters. We all had so many questions for him and we all agreed that he has an amazing job! Thank you to Miss. Feltham for organising the visit.
World Thinking Day
Celebrated since 1926, World Thinking Day is a day of international friendship. Today, members of Rainbows, Brownies and Beavers came to school in their uniform…and very smart they look, too!
Shrove Tuesday
We have been learning about the religious significance of Shrove Tuesday and thinking about why Christians eat pancakes before Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. All of our work this morning has been about pancakes! In groups, we all had a go at making and eating our own pancakes.
Author workshop with Michael Rosen And Viviane Schwarz
This morning we took part in an online live workshop with the brilliant author Michael Rosen and illustrator Viviane Schwarz. We learned how to ‘cook a fairytale’ and all of the different ingredients we need to include to make an interesting and magic story.
In our computing lessons we have been learning how to successfully use a laptop! We can now logon by ourselves, open a word document and save and retrieve a word document. Today we learnt how to copy and paste images from the internet onto our word documents, and how to re-size the images.
Science: How To Look After Animals
Today Year 2 were lucky enough to have a visit from Hayley and Alex who work at RSPCA West Hatch rescue centre. We all became experts on how to look after hedgehogs, and found out about all of the amazing work that the RSPCA do. Using air drying clay, we then made our own hedgehogs, using sticks for spines, and made a hibernaculum out of a paper cup.
Henry Moore Sculpture
In preparation for using clay, we had a go at creating our sculptures using Play-Doh. This gave us an opportunity to see how we could turn our poses into 3D models, how we could join the materials and how stable our sculptures would be.
Science: Animals Including Humans
This week we have begun our new Science topic in which we will be learning about the life cycles of animals including humans. Today we undertook an investigation to answer this question- Do the tallest children have the biggest feet? We made our predictions, did the experiment and then wrote up our findings. We found out that it does not matter how tall you are, you might have the smallest feet!
DT -Calendars
The children have used their collage skills to create their calendars this year. I think you will agree that they look bright and colourful and will hopefully raise a smile all year long!
Panto Trip
We were so lucky to be treated by the PTA to another amazing trip to The Octagon Theatre to see Dick Whittington. The show was spectacular (oh no it wasn't.....oh yes it was!). The children reached new levels of ear busting volume booing the baddies and showed some dance moves off during the songs! Thank you so much again to the PTA for organising the trip and providing us with sweets to eat during the interval.
Tasting Our Bread
Today we tasted and evaluated our bread rolls. We thought about the appearance, smell and taste. We then discussed what we liked about our rolls and how we could improve them next time.
Making Bread Rolls
After tasting bread and designing our own bread rolls earlier in the term, today we got to make our creations. We had to weigh and measure the ingredients, knead the dough and leave it to rise. Once it had risen, we each had a ball of dough to add our own chosen ingredients. They smell amazing. Tomorrow, we will taste and evaluate our creations.
The Greatest Journey
Year Two’s Nativity
We have just finished our final rehearsal and cannot wait to share all of our hard work with parents and carers this afternoon. We hope you enjoy our show!
Martial Arts Workshop
This morning Maple Class took part in a Taekwondo workshop. Mrs.Girden taught us the four stages of a kick, how to block your opponent and how to strike successfully. We all had a great time and we’re great at remembering the four rules of Taekwondo ; fun, learning, safety and respect.
Maple Class Assembly
Today, 30th November, was St. Andrew's Day and Maple Class taught the whole of Key Stage 1 all about the meaning of this special day in their class assembly.
The Snowman
Today we began our new English topic writing about The Snowman by Raymond Briggs.
After watching half of the film, we had a visit from the spirit of the Snowman. The children asked questions and Mr Strong interpreted them for the Snowman! As our learning objective was to use question marks, the children then wrote down a series of questions they would like to ask the Snowman.
DT Pop Up Cards
As a part of our Autumn Term DT objectives, we have been learning how to design and create a pop-up card for Christmas. We had to think about our measuring, cutting and folding skills, as well as how to create a decorative card using different materials such as muffin cases and wool.
Bovington Tank Museum
As part of our History work on Remembrance, we visited Bovington Tank Museum. It was incredible to see such a variety of tanks close up and realise how huge they are. We saw the cramped conditions that the soldiers have to endure inside and we even got to experience what life in the trenches was like. The children enjoyed collecting the stamps around the exhibitions and trying on some of the uniforms from different time periods. A great day was had by all!
Mindfulness Sessions
This half term we are working with Paula in our mindfulness sessions. We are thinking carefully about our movements and how to keep our bodies and mind healthy with yoga based movements.
DT- Tasting Bread
Today we began our topic of bread and where it comes from. We spoke about the varieties of bread and what makes each one different, then tased five different types: Brioche, Granary, Wholemeal, White and a Garlic Naan. The children had to write down their observations about appearance, texture and taste and give it a rating out of 10. They surprised themselves on what they did and didn't like and enjoyed sharing a tasting experience as a group.
The Seven Continents
To complete our ‘Passport To The World’ unit of work, we all delivered a group presentation about the Continents. Mrs Rich put us into groups and using books, pictures and I Pads, we created a fact file poster about a specific continent which we then presented to the rest of the class.
World Mental Health Day 2022
Today we have been celebrating and observing World Mental Health Day with the theme of 'Hello Yellow'. We all came to school dressed in yellow clothing and learned why it is important to look after our mental health. We learned how to manage our feelings when we feel anxious, angry or sad, and we thought about things we can do to make ourselves happy.
Harvest Festival
On Monday Key Stage 1 celebrated their Harvest Festival with an assembly with Reverend David Keen. We sang Harvest songs, read Harvest poems and said Harvest prayers, all reminding us to be thankful for our world and the things we have.
Creating Lighthouses
We have been learning about “The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch” in our English lessons. Today, we made our own lighthouses out of cups! They even light up!
Maple Class Art
Here are some images of artwork done by the children of Maple Class. Included are self portraiture work and some recent work done during Arts Week using leaves to print.
Somerset Arts Week : Celia Brokenshire
This Year the theme for Somerset Arts Week is 'Sanctuary'. As part of our work during Somerset Arts Week, we had a visit from the local artist, Celia Brokenshire. She talked to us about how she is often inspired by nature, which she considers to be her place of sanctuary and peace. Celia explained to us her methods and showed us her tools which they children passed around to feel and explore themselves. The children had lots of interesting questions to ask Celia, and were impressed by her use of different colours and textures.
Somerset Arts Week 2022 : Natasha Rand
This week all of the children at Preston Primary are observing Arts Week and exploring this years theme of 'Sanctuary'. To introduce Somerset Arts Week and Yeovil Arts Space, KS1 and 2 had a visit from Natasha Rand who is the Engagement Director of YAS. She spoke to us about what they do and the events that the children can go to locally. It was great to hear about all of the creative places opening up in Yeovil for the Arts community and children to explore.
European Day of Languages
Today is European Day of Languages and some of our language ambassadors came to share some books with Maple Class. They introduced themselves in their first languages, some of which were those of some of our Maple Children!
Counting Objects To 100 With Grouping
The children in Maple Class were very helpful today as they counted all of the maths counters that had gotten into a muddle over summer. They began by counting the counters one by one, before we spoke about how much easier it is to count by grouping items into tens. We learnt about how to represent tens and ones using 'chips and peas' and the children enjoyed answering the mystery number sentences!
Welcome to Maple Class
Maple Class have had a brilliant first day together and although the children were a little tired towards the end of the day, they coped so well with the return to school after a long, hot summer. They particularly enjoyed their afternoon music lesson where we discussed the concept of 'pitch' and used our voices in a non-verbal way to express our emotions. Everyone was beautifully behaved, and keen to show me their best efforts-long may it continue!