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What is Spirituality?

Spirituality lies at the heart of our Christian Vision at Preston C of E Primary School as it guides children to flourish in all aspects of life, fostering deep connections with themselves, others, the world and God. Through spirituality, they grow academically, emotionally, and morally, empowered to make a positive impact on their community.


We prioritise developing spirituality within our school community, recognising it as essential for "living life in all its fullness". It is an important dimension of young children’s holistic development which links to autonomy, compassion, resilience, responsibility and wellbeing. It encourages children’s deeper understanding of themselves and empathy for others, and it helps children gain appreciation of the wider impact their behaviour and actions have upon themselves, other people and the world itself.


While spirituality and religious faith are not identical, spirituality serves as the foundation upon which faith is built.


How do our children understand Spirituality?


Whilst we recognise Spirituality can have many definitions, we have an agreed explanation so it can be understood and explored with our pupils.


Spirituality is all about how we live and experience life. It's about our connections—with ourselves, with others, with the world around us, and with something greater, like God. It helps us consider the bigger picture and gives us the courage to think, question, and explore. Most importantly, it reminds us that we're special and valuable, each in our own unique way.


Our pupils know that by looking our relationship with ourselves, others, the world and a divine power, we can therefore nurture each aspect of our being. In doing so, we may seek inner peace, purpose and fulfilment.


We understand this relational awareness as looking “In, Out and Up” 

(Paul Rusby)


We can link this to our School Motto (Matthew 5:16):


‘Let your light shine (IN), before others (OUT), so they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in Heaven (UP)”.


We recognise our learners are at different stages of their spirituality, but we foster an open, safe and inquiring environment where children and teachers can ask questions with no judgement.


Our Aims through Spiritual Development:


Through our Spiritual Development, we aim for children, and adults, to grow in their ability to:

  • be guided by their beliefs and values and be willing to take a stand to defend them.

  • be self-aware and empathise with the experience of others in the school and wider community love themselves, care for themselves, believe in their potential to achieve, and find inner strength and resilience when facing challenges.

  • exercise imagination and creativity, appreciate beauty in the world and be alive to experiences of awe and wonder.

  • be intrigued by mystery and be open to an awareness of the transcendent in the whole of life.

  • be comfortable with stillness and silence and open to engage in reflection /meditation/prayer.

  • be ready to say sorry when mistakes are made, to forgive themselves and to forgive others.

  • be willing to take risks and to reflect, learn and grow following experiences of failure as well as success.

  • demonstrate curiosity and open mindedness when exploring life’s big questions.

  • appreciate and be thankful for what is good in life like friends and family, and show generosity towards others.

(From David Smith’s work on Spiritual Capacities)


How do we achieve this at Preston Primary?


Spirituality weaves through every aspect of life at our school, permeating our vision, culture, and daily practices. At the heart of our school community, spirituality ignites a journey of self-discovery, empathy, and growth, empowering each individual to flourish and shine their light brightly in service to others.


  • Our pupils have enquiring minds and want to learn about themselves, others and the world. We have a safe, caring environment where children feel safe to ask questions and explore their thoughts. Pupils value learning and enjoy questioning, listening, and responding creatively across a range of subjects.
  • We offer an ambitious and broad curriculum which gives all children the opportunities to ignite their interests and talents. Equally rich spiritual opportunities exist across the curriculum for all children at every age.
  • We have high expectations of all our children. High quality teaching skilfully supports our pupils to deepen their understanding and engage in questioning that goes beyond mere facts or information.
  • Each subject has been designed with opportunities for spiritual development in mind. For example, in English, texts will be chosen which pose ethical questions (“Somebody Swallowed Stanley” in Reception links to plastic in the oceans). Teachers are committed to ensuring that learning is filled with moments of awe and wonder.
  • Pupils have opportunities to be creative and imaginative. For example: art, music, storytelling, and drama provides children with opportunities to express themselves authentically, tapping into their inner thoughts, emotions, and spiritual experiences.
  • Outdoor learning connects children with the natural world, encouraging awe, wonder, and appreciation for creation.
  • Our RE curriculum explores beliefs, values, and traditions from Christianity and other faiths, encouraging reflection and understanding. In lessons, pupils contemplate big questions about life, purpose, and existence, and consider their own beliefs, values, and perspectives. Through spiritual inquiry, children learn to critically reflect on their experiences, challenge assumptions, and seek answers. This fosters curiosity, emotional intelligence and moral reasoning, which empowers them to become lifelong learners and compassionate, thoughtful individuals.
  • Our daily acts of worship welcome everyone and accommodate diverse faith backgrounds and varying spiritual journeys.  Through collective worship, pupils explore the teachings of Jesus and the Bible, reflecting on the significance to the world today and in their own lives. Opportunities to reflect on the beauty, joy and pain of the world will be given. Pupils will be given time to consider their responsibilities to others and to grow in love and service.  These experiences support students in growing spiritually, helping them discover their identity, purpose, and connection to something bigger. Our Christian Values of Love, Integrity, Gratitude, Hope and Truth are discussed frequently. Acts of worship are led by children, all staff or visitors.
  • We have close links with St James’ Church. We celebrate significant events in the Christian calendar in church and our vicar, David Keen, is a weekly visitor to school for our Prayer Meeting.
  • We explore diverse cultures, traditions, and belief systems through our celebration of festivals from different faiths and cultures, as well as global awareness activities and multicultural days which foster respect for diversity and interconnectedness.
  • Pupils enjoy links with the community, such as the choir performing at care homes and pupils interviewing older residences about history. We invite the community to plays and to talk about their careers. Some local residents volunteer in school.
  • Pupils engage in acts of kindness and service within the school community and beyond, cultivating empathy, compassion, and a sense of social responsibility (e.g. fundraising for school charity, litter picking at the local park).
  • We offer a wide range of extra-curricular clubs which encompasses sports, languages, Art and DT, computing, love of reading, and introduce new ones according to pupil voice.
  • Pupils are given leadership positions such as prefects, reading buddies, wellbeing ambassadors, eco-police and digital leaders.
  • Our mindfulness sessions promote present-moment awareness, emotional regulation and give our pupils the opportunity to be still and calm.
  • Our sensory garden allows children to be still and reflect in nature.
  • Our policies reflect our values and ethos which promote spiritual growth. For example, our Behaviour policy promotes kindness, empathy and respect. We seek for children to make amends and experience forgiveness if they have misbehaved.
  • We celebrate children’s achievements through displays, team points, notes home, performances to other pupils and parents. Children are encouraged to flourish in all different ways.
  • Each classroom has a prayer corner which acts as a space where the class can come together and reflect. Displays reflect Bible stories and our Christian values.
  • Our Trustees and governors uphold our Trustees and governors provide guidance and oversight to ensure that the school's ethos and values, including its spiritual dimension, are upheld and promoted effectively.




