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E Safety

Welcome to our E-Safety Page! On this page, you will find the latest news and guidance related to online and digital safety. 

You can find our monthly e-safety letters to parents under our letters section of the website.

Online Safety Weblinks

Here are some links to websites that will help with tips and information about keeping your child stay safe online (please click on the icons to be taken to the individual websites):

Safer Internet Day


Every year in February, schools around the country celebrate Safer Internet Day. To celebrate this, our Digital Leaders and Prefects have hosted a range of activities around the school. In addition to this, each class completed different activities to promote e-safety around the school. For example, year 6 wrote an e-safety themed diary entry. In year 4, the children completed an in the moment activity that explored what they would do if faced with an e-safety concern. In key stage one, the children explored the Digiduck book series with the purpose of learning about online relationships. 

If you would like to examine this more with your children at home, UK Safer Internet Centre provides resources that can be used with your child at home. This includes tips for parents and carers, family e-safety activities and videos on how to start a conversation with your young person. To explore these resources and more, please follow the link below. 

Social Media Age Restrictions


Internet security is a very important issue to all at Preston Primary School – we hope every child has a safe and happy experience whilst using the internet.


Making sure children are accessing age appropriate content is important as part of our role to educate pupils to become responsible internet users. Below is a chart showing the age restrictions placed on different social media app and services.



Join the P.L.A.Y. campaign

Keeping children safe online is very important to us at Preston Primary School. This is why we are encouraging parents and carers to join the P.L.A.Y campaign. This was launched by the UK Interactive Entertainment Association and is designed to help you manage your child’s screen time, game purchases and enable family controls.

This step-by-step guide will show you how to help your child set up their consoles. It will also outline how you can create both a parent and child account on their device to help you keep them safe online.


We have achieved our 360 Safe award!

More information on the 360 Safe Review can be found by having a look at the linked document below:

Guide to watching videos with your child

Watching videos is one of the most popular ways for children to use technology. As with all online activity, this comes with potential risks as well as the benefits. ThinkUKnow have put together a useful parents' guide to how to talk to your child about inappropriate content and keeping safe when watching videos.

Their four tips are:
1. Talk to your child about what videos they like to watch online (and watch some together)
2. Look up the age ratings and the minimum age of use for the apps, sites and games your child uses
3. Set up parental controls and filters
4. Use Thinkuknow resources to help you help your child stay safe online

For more detail about these tips, read the full guide at:

Be Internet Legends Family Adventure



Be Internet Legends from Google and Parent Zone is designed to support families to become safer and more confident when they are online.

Their newest resource is a three-part animated series about a family of 'Internauts' who go on an adventure, and learn about phishers, cyberbullies, and hackers on the way.


Join in the adventure at:

Setting up new devices for children



Many children (and some adults!) will be receiving new devices as gifts this Christmas. To help parents and carers ensure these devices are safe for children to use - useful information and guidance can be found on the NSPCC website:



Ollee - a new app to support children's wellbeing



Parent Zone have launched a new app - Ollee - for 8-11 year olds, funded by BBC Children in Need’s A Million & Me initiative.

Ollee is a 'digital friend' who supports wellbeing by helping children and their families talk about their feelings and difficult topics.

Find Ollee and try it out at: 
