Making Digital Magazine Covers
We finished our Digital Publishing module in Computing this week, the final part of which involved making a cover for a magazine. The children chose a partner based on their similar interests and got to work experimenting with different borders, fonts, text boxes, pictures and shapes to create an eye-catching design based on their chosen subject. We had magazines about horses, rabbits, motocross bikes, the environment, football and lots more. It was lovely to see their passions shine through!
Brazil Day
To wrap up our Brazil Geography topic, the children took part in a completely Brazil-themed day. They came to school looking vibrant in their bright, colourful outfits, and Mr Hammond even changed the school flag for us! We enjoyed a fantastic samba drumming workshop from Organic Rhythm, some chocolate truffle making (which proved a challenge on such a warm day!!), carnival mask crafting and learning some Portuguese numbers, which we then used to create Portuguese snap cards. Have a look at the actions we used to remember the numbers in the video below!
We had a great time watching the Wimbledon finals this week, and we were ecstatic when our very own Millie won the Year 3 Girls competition! Congratulations Millie, and thank you for putting on such a brilliant match!
Year 4 Egyptian Projects
We were blown away by Year 4’s Egyptian Projects! Each and every one of them showed so much care and effort, and we learned some brilliant facts from the very knowledgable creators!
Making Parchment for Anglo-Saxon Art
In Art recently, Year 3 have created their own ‘parchment’ sheets inspired by Anglo-Saxon paper. Luckily for them, they didn’t have to skin any animals like real Anglo-Saxons would have to make their paper! Instead, we tore up ‘animal hide strips’ made from packaging paper and layered them in a cross hatch after soaking them in an adhesive mixture. When they were dry, the children painted their names in runes and added some traditional patterns to finish off their pieces of art.
Celebration Day
To commemorate what we have achieved this year as a school, we took part in a Celebration Day, kindly funded by the PTA. We did a scavenger hunt, took pictures in a photo booth, enjoyed lots of ice cream, played some Just Dance, made a contribution to a whole school art piece and wrote a letter to go in a time capsule that will be buried somewhere around the school. The children had a great day and should be so proud of how hard they've worked so far!
Petting Zoo Experience
Our week was made by a visit from a local petting zoo, which both children and staff were ecstatic about! We met some very friendly alpacas, lambs, rabbits and, of course, Dinky the donkey! Thank you very much to the PTA for organising this wonderful activity.
Dorset Museum Trip
To mark the end of our Romans topic in History, Year 3 took a trip to Dorset Museum. After dressing up in traditional Roman clothes, we did some archaeological digging (with a fake skeleton, of course!) to find hidden artefacts, had a look around the museum and visited the Roman townhouse that is nestled away in the heart of Dorchester.
West Abbey Visit
We were very lucky to have some residents and staff from West Abbey Care Home visit us to hear some readers and have a chat about books in our library this week! The children really enjoyed showing off our wonderful school and impressing the residents with their superb reading. We look forward to welcoming them back soon!
Creating Nets
We had a go at designing and constructing our very own shape nets this week, not only to deepen our learning of 3D shape properties, but also to practise working with nets ahead of our 3D castle construction in DT, which will take place very soon...
Roman Baths Junk Modelling
The whole of Year 3 got together to create a reconstruction of the Roman Baths entirely made from scrap materials, following on from our sculpture lessons in D.T. The children worked brilliantly in groups to create their parts, including temples, changing rooms, boiler rooms and the pool itself. Didn't they do a fantastic job?
Outdoor Learning
Recently in Outdoor Learning, Year 3 have had a go at starting fires with a flint and steel, made a traditional Roman stew filled with veggies and pearl barley and have practised writing Roman numerals with sticks and mud paint. We are really enjoying getting out in the fresh air and learning what it was like to live as a Roman, even when the weather has been a bit drizzly!
Visit from Rev. Keen & Creating eCharm Pouches.
Reverend Keen paid Year 3 a wonderful visit to talk about Holy Communion services, which we reenacted with Sacramental bread and cranberry juice! We have also been busy designing and crafting pouches and sale badges for the eCharms we programmed, which look fantastic.
Welcome Back, Whitebeam!
After a restful Easter holiday, it’s lovely to have Year 3 back and ready to learn. We have had a great first week of the summer term and the children should be very proud of how hard they have worked!
Spring Week 9 & 10
Over the last couple of weeks, Whitebeam have experimented with programming MicroBits, which are tiny, pocket-sized computers created by the BBC. By creating a sequence of instructions for the MicroBits, the children were able to programme them to flash in different patterns. If it didn't work, the children had to use their de-bugging skills to fix the problem!
Year 3 also celebrated World Book Day 2024 in style, dressing up as their favourite characters and filling the classroom with colour. We took part in a 'Stop, Drop and Read' and were also able to join a virtual author visit from Louie Stowell, best-selling author of the Loki: A Bad God's Guide series.
In History, we have carried on with our topic of Romans by exploring Roman armour. We learned that the armour was so heavy, that soldiers would need someone to help the get into it! Of course, we had a try on of our own, which looked a little strange with our World Book Day costumes!
To celebrate Science Week, we were very lucky to have some students from Preston Secondary School in to talk about the meaning of STEM and lead some experiments. All in all, it's been a jam-packed fortnight!
Spring Week 7 & 8
Whitebeam have had a great start to the second half of Spring term! Our Outdoor Learning activities are well underway, with the children crafting some Roman teepees and catapults in the outdoor classroom. Everyone showed superb teamwork and resilience, even whilst getting wet and muddy! Year 3's latest D.T. project has been to create a pneumatic toy, which involved making a character whose mouth could be opened and closed using a gas system (in this case, a balloon and pipe!). They all looked fantastic and the children had lots of fun testing them out.
In English, we have studied poetry and have written our own 'nonsense' poems, inspired by poets like Spike Milligan and Edward Lear. Using alliteration, Whitebeam created some wacky, tongue-twisting poems that they should be very proud of. Some great examples by Dua and Millie can be seen below!
Spring Week 5 & 6
Whitebeam have been getting very argumentative these last few our balanced arguments, of course! We began by studying some examples of balanced arguments and picking out the key features, including fronted adverbials like 'Furthermore,', 'On the other hand,' and 'In addition' that can help build a discussion. We then planned and wrote our own balanced argument that weighed up the pros and cons of school uniform. Surprisingly, we could think of lots of reasons why school uniform is great! In RE, Whitebeam have explored the Holy Trinity and how we represent this in our school. Much to our delight, there were lots of snacks that can help with this! For example, pretzels can be used to represent the three divisions of the trinity, as can the ingredients of a doughnut!
Dua brought in a wonderful show-and-tell for us to enjoy, which included a presentation and a fascinating Indian tea kettle called the Kashmiri Samovar. The rest of the class had a great time learning about how it works and were lucky enough to see it up close!
Spring Week 3 & 4
Year 3 had a wonderful time celebrating World Religion Day, looking at the daily lives of children from various faiths, (such as Christianity, Judaism and Buddhism). We were lucky enough to have Zayn, Dua, Keyaan, Zayn and Ezaan teach us all about the key beliefs in Islam, and we were even treated to some verses from the Azan from Dua (video below!). They also showed us the Arabic writing they have been learning outside of school. Eric then answered our questions about his religion, Buddhism, sharing his knowledge of traditional festivals and customs.
Later that week, Whitebeam continued their work on plants, learning the stages of a plant's life cycle. This involved acting out germination, growth, pollination and seed dispersal, and we had some excellent volunteers who took their parts very seriously. The cast included Phoebe the Seed, Edward the Sprout, Thea the Sun, Lily the Raindrop, Isla, Tyler and Dua the flowers, Dylan the Bee and Thomas the Bear!
Spring Week 1 & 2
We’ve had a busy couple of weeks back at school after a restful half term break. In Maths, we have looked at money problems involving change and have also started telling the time minute on an analogue clock. We also started our new Science topic, investigating the parts of a plant in more detail, along with their purposes. Below are some lovely pieces of work by Emmett and Nyah to show what we have learned. Following on from this, we conducted an experiment to investigate how water is transported within plants. First, we cut the stems of the flowers to make sure they were all the same length and we measured out the water to ensure it was a fair test. We poured an equal amount of food colouring into each cup of water so that we are able to observe the water moving through the plant.
The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse Songs
Hello Whitebeam! Below you can find a link to the songs that we need to practise for our play. If you can access these at home, please have a go! :)
Welcome back Whitebeam!
Welcome back Whitebeam Class and happy new year! We are looking forward to an eventful term of learning over the coming weeks. Before half term, we will be performing our play: The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse. Details will be coming out soon regarding parts and costumes so look out for a letter home!
Coming soon.... February 2024
Week 12 & 13 - Cave Art & Electric Posters
Year 3 have had a very creative couple of weeks packed with art and D.T. In small groups, the children created a textured cave wall by covering cardboard in lentils, cous cous and sand. We then made our own paints using flour, water and natural colourings, such as charcoal and spices and used these to cover the cave background. When this was dry, we added handprints and animal sketches!
In D.T., we created electrical posters for a science museum that informed the public of the effects of friction on moving vehicles. After writing up a paragraph of easy-to-read information, the children drafted two designs for their posters, picked their favourite and drew up their final piece. We then added a simple circuit to the poster so that it could light up!
Week 10 & 11 - Odd Socks Day and Inter Faith Week
It's been a very busy fortnight in Whitebeam this week, starting off with Odd Socks Day! The children were invited to wear odd socks as a reminder that everyone is different, and we had a wide array of footwear on display. We discussed the importance of diversity and inclusion, and reminded ourselves that it's crucial to make everyone feel safe and involved when we are in school. Following this, we celebrated Inter Faith Week, and we were lucky enough to have Dua bring in some significant items from home to share with us. These included a model of the Ka'bah and some writing about the key beliefs in Islam. This coincided with Children in Need day, and we raised lots of money for this fantastic charity. In our Science lessons, we conducted an experiment to test the effect of friction on movement, and found that carpet created the most friction with our wind-up car! We also created some charcoal drawings of UK animals in art, which we scrubbed with paper towels to create texture. Finally, in Dance, Mrs Hill introduced an interpretive style that looked really effective when everyone performed together (video below!)
Week 9 - Remembrance
To remember and pay tribute to those who have lost their lives fighting in wars, Whitebeam made some beautiful, poppy-covered lanterns to take to our whole-school Remembrance service. The children were able to hold them up and reflect on the sacrifices made by brave soldiers all over the world. Aside from our Remembrance Day work, we have been busy learning about the different types of magnets and which materials can attract or repel them. We learned that many of the items in our classroom that we thought were magnetic actually aren’t, and being made of metal doesn’t always equal magnetism. In Geography, we travelled across the many counties of the UK, labelling them in our books and trying our best to remember all of their names!
Week 8 - Welcome Back!
After a restful half term, it’s wonderful to have everyone back and ready for some more learning! This week, we celebrated Bonfire Night by writing some fantastic fact files about Guy Fawkes, explaining his upbringing and how the Gunpowder Plot came to be. Alongside this, we made sure to learn the Firework Code to help us stay safe over the weekend. We also started our new Geography topic, in which we are learning all about the countries, counties and cities that make up the UK. In RE, we looked at traditional Christian baptisms, which involved a trip to St James’ Church and a very informative demonstration from Rev. Keen. Finally, we continued Black History Month by discussing why we celebrate it and why this year’s theme of ‘Celebrating Our Sisters’ is so important. We collated our ideas into a brilliant poster that has helped us reflect on the month.
Week 7 - Travelling Back in Time…
The main event this week centred around our Stone Age learning, as we all dressed up and celebrated Stone Age day. In true cave person style, we scrapped our tables and chairs and got comfy on the floor of our classroom cave, wearing animal printed clothing and jewellery made of teeth and bones. We played hunting games, grunted our way through the register and listened to the crackling of the ‘campfire’ around us. Later in the day, we were joined by parents to have a go at making hand axes, cave paintings and jewellery.
Our class cup this week was won by Dylan, who has shown lots of courage and determination over the last couple of weeks. Well done, Dylan!
Week 6 - Hello Yellow!
Whitebeam class have made Miss Feltham and Mrs Pippard extremely proud once again this week as they tackled column addition with regrouping, something that takes a lot of practice to nail! They also wrote some lovely play scripts that retold the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, with a few taking place by the seaside or in the jungle. In History, we threw ourselves back in time and wrote about a day in the life of a Stone Age person, including our morning routine, where we would live, how we would hunt and the entertainment we might have enjoyed. For a mid-week snack, the children made their healthy vegetable tarts that had been designed by them in our DT lessons. The tarts were topped with seasonal vegetables and, of course, a sprinkle of cheese. We finished the week with a very calming Hello Yellow day, and the children brought a smile to everyone’s faces with their yellow outfits. We discussed the importance of talking about mental health and took part in some mindful meditation and breathing exercises.
Well done to Nyah, who won our class cup this week for her brilliant behaviour, superb attitude to learning and kindness towards others!
Week 5: Poetry & Bony Tony
To celebrate National Poetry Day this week, Whitebeam took part in a top secret challenge that was left in our classroom by a mysterious detective called P.I. Poem. Using the word cards he gave us, the children created a beautiful poem about Stonehenge, which luckily linked with our History topic - it’s as if P.I. Poem knew! We were also very lucky to be visited by best-selling author Annelise Gray, who told us about her brilliant Circus Maximus series that is set in Ancient Rome. This week marks the start of Black History Month in the UK, so we have been looking at influential Black figures in history, particularly women, as this is the theme of BHM this year. In computing, Whitebeam explored the meaning of ‘input’ and ‘output’ and how this can be applied to technology. Rounding off a busy week, we recapped the bones in the human body and explored the function of muscles and tendons. To help us visualise how they work, we created cardboard hands that can be controlled by tugging on the string tendons. We also built the newest member of the class (although he looks like the oldest), Bony Tony!
Well done for another week of hard work, Whitebeam! Special congratulations to our cup winner this week, George - he has shown role behaviour since the beginning of term and is always a delight to have in the class.
Week 4: Arts Week
Creativity has been the focus in class and across the school this week, as we have been celebrating Somerset Arts Week. We have looked at symmetry in maths, combining this with art by creating pictures and patterns with lines of symmetry. The children also created some beautiful pictures of Stonehenge by painting a background and arranging silhouettes of the ancient stones, and they are going to look lovely on display in the classroom! To experiment with pointillism, the children also painted some hand tree pictures, using a cotton bud to create dots instead of strokes. In PE, we learned a traditional Greek dance (commonly known as Zorba’s Dance), and the children did a fantastic job at working together and staying in time with the music. Our cup winner this week was Phoebe, who has shown brilliant progress with her handwriting and focus. Congratulations, Phoebe!
Week 3: Absolutely Choc-ka!
Week 3 in Whitebeam started with the children inventing a brand-new chocolate bar, showing off their ambitious vocabulary and creativity in their descriptions. Mrs Pippard kindly took all of their wonderful ideas and mixed them into a gigantic, real-life chocolate bar for us to share as a well-earned treat! To carry on the theme of sweets, the children also got stuck in to making some delicious apple crumbles, showing how seasonal foods can be used in cooking. In our History lesson this week, we took a deep dive into Stonehenge and its possible uses, and it was lovely to share our existing knowledge of this monument. As it was National Coding Week, we have been thinking deeply about AI and its potential costs/benefits, and refreshed our knowledge of internet safety to make sure that we are using technology responsibly. This led to some fantastic discussion and advice posters. We have also welcomed Nyah, a new class member who has settled in brilliantly and has worked incredibly hard. Congratulations to our Golden Star earners, Daisy, Olivia and Isla - you have been role model students this week!
Week 2: Library Learning
We’ve had another busy week in Whitebeam, and the children have risen to every challenge! To learn more about the features of information texts, we spent some time in our wonderful school library. After exploring the shelves, we hunted for contents pages, glossaries, headings and diagrams and recorded our findings. To celebrate Roald Dahl Day on Wednesday 13th, we wrote some absolutely fantastic fact files about the man himself, researching his early life, career and education. The children pulled out all of the stops with their handwriting and presentation and wowed us with their impressive knowledge. Dance lessons have also continued this week, and it looks like everyone is getting the hang of the very fast-paced moves. You should be extremely proud of your hard work this week, Whitebeam!
Week 1: Welcome Back, Whitebeam!
Wow, what a busy (and boiling!) first week back we've had! Some of the highlights included dancing along to our 2 times tables song, making some delicious fruit skewers after learning about seasonal foods and writing some absolutely fantastic descriptions of Mr Twit. We even had a surprise visit from Mr Twit himself...see if you can spot him below!