Hazel Class
As you know, next year you will have Mr Gordon teaching you in the mornings and Mr O'Brien teaching you in the afternoons.
Mr O'Brien has left you a video message and a little task to complete, please see the documents below.
Week 12
We made it to the last week of Year 5! What a strange year it has been, we are so unbelievably proud of every single one of you!
We have loved seeing those of you that have come into school over the last few weeks, our classrooms have felt empty without you!
Miss Lewis, Miss Taylor & Mr Whybrow
Week 11
Hello Year 5! We are very much looking forward to seeing those of you that are coming back for the last few weeks! Those of you who aren't, don't worry - we will have a big catch up over zoom in the last week!
We've got more exciting activities for you, focussing particularly on transition on Wednesday and Thursday - children at home will also be able to access this so nobody will be missing out!
As always, we've got lots of optional extension activities for those of you who are whizzing through!
See you all soon,
Miss Lewis, Miss Taylor & Mr Whybrow
Week 10
Wow, we cannot believe we have got to week 10 of the Summer Term already!
Thank you so much for sending in pictures of your fantastic pieces of work, they're all on the gallery if you wish to have a look!
We have got lots of optional extension activities on the timetable and included in documents below. Don't forget, if you whiz through pieces of work and have checked that it has been completely properly - to the best of your ability - there are lots of challenges and extension activities from previous weeks!
We are looking forward to seeing those of you who are coming back in the last few weeks!
Keep working hard and looking after each other!
Miss Lewis, Miss Taylor and Mr Whybrow
Week 9
Hello Year 5!
Welcome to another week! We are so proud of the continued effort you are putting into your work and we do really enjoy seeing your pictures and videos, so please keep sending them to us!
Don't forget to keep an eye on the Home Learning gallery and see if you can spot your work!
Just a quick reminder about the PP50 challenge, please keep ticking those off and sending in the evidence! Thank you also to those that have sent their 500 word entry to us for the IT competition - you could win your very own laptop!
Please see below your work for this week, there are lots of optional extra activities for you to do if you wish, but please don't feel that you have to!
Your maths challenge for the week is The Mystery of the Olympic Ringer!
We miss you very much,
Miss Lewis, Miss Taylor & Mr Whybrow
Week 8
We hope you have had another great week. It was lovely to speak to you and your parents this week. We are pleased to hear that so many of you are getting on with your work and embracing this time at home with your families.
We know, from talking to a lot of your parents last week, that many of you are doing remarkably well at staying positive during these strange times. We also know that some of you are finding it really tough. Please do what you can to stay in contact with each other, be kind to each other and include everyone as much as you can. This week, can you try and contact someone you haven't spoken to for a while?
Your maths challenge this week: https://nrich.maths.org/218
Two brains are sometimes better than one so, with a parent's permission, some of you might want to video call a friend to work on this challenge.
It is Refugee Week, as an extra activity, read through the Powerpoint and choose an activity to complete.
We have not had many entries for the Preston Academy Trust Competition. The winner receives a laptop! All you have to do is write 500 words maximum to explain how you have used information technology to keep in touch with school, family and friends. How beneficial has it been? Send it to the Year 5 email address. We also want to keep seeing your PP50 challenge photos.
Have an excellent week and we look forward to seeing more of your brilliant work,
Miss Taylor, Miss Lewis and Mr Whybrow
Week 7
We hope you have had another brilliant week. We have been back in school this week as other years return to school. It was nice to be back but it was not the same without our lovely Year 5's. We have continued to see more wonderful work being sent in. We have received some excellent science experiments that we will be uploading to the Class Page later this week, any last minute work, please send it to us as soon as possible.
We continue to be very proud of you. Keep working hard.
We miss you all,
Miss Taylor, Miss Lewis and Mr Whybrow
Week 6
Hello Year 5!
We hope you all had a restful half term, you have been working so hard and we are so proud of you all.
Have you managed to cross more things off your Pioneer challenge? Or maybe you've completed your science challenge - we would love to see pictures and videos!
We hope you are refreshed and ready to go now that we're starting the final term of Year 5. Keep up the great work for a few more weeks!
Missing you all,
Year 5 Team.
Week 5
Hello Year 5,
We hope you had a lovely week and enjoyed learning and playing! Miss Taylor has been spending time in the sun, gardening and has had her sheep sheared this weekend. Miss Lewis has been busy in her garden, walking and cycling, enjoying the beautiful area we live in. Mr Whybrow continues to enjoy Taco Tuesday and P.E with Joe Wicks and Mrs Haines is busy looking after baby Alfie.
This week we have some exciting news. TTRockstars are looking for a Guinness World Record holder for the person who can complete their times tables the quickest. We are hoping it will be one of our fabulous children from Preston Primary. Have a go! We have included more information in the Maths.pdf explaining how to enter. Good luck.
Check last weeks Maths challenge solution: https://nrich.maths.org/2189/solution
We have more exciting activities for you all that will be uploaded throughout the week, so keep checking the class page. Please remember that none of the work uploaded is compulsory and you can complete your work the best way that suits you and your family.
A quick note about Purplemash - if your 2do has closed, you can still access the work by going to the 'work' tab, clicking on the arrow next to 'mywork' and selecting 'done 2dos'.
We miss you everyday and we are counting down the days until we are back in school together.
Year 5 Teachers.
Baby Haines is here!
Hello everyone! I am missing you all like mad, but I have some wonderful news to share with you...Alfie Haines has arrived!
Alfie was born on Wednesday 6th May, weighing a very healthy 8lb 12.5oz! He is doing very well and has settled into the family very quickly; his big sisters absolutely adore him!
I hope you are all ok and are staying busy and safe. See you soon!
Love Mrs Haines and Alfie xxx
Week 4
Good Afternoon Year 5,
We hope you celebrated VE Day, marking the momentous occasion of the victory in Europe after WWII. We are looking forward to seeing your pictures from this weekend. Keep going with all the wonderful work you are doing. Keep looking after your families and make sure you are staying in contact with your friends.
Stay safe,
Year 5 Teachers.
VE Wartime recipes
See below some more wartime recipes for Friday.
Week 3
Hello Year 5,
We hope you have had a lovely weekend. We have enjoyed receiving all your wonderful work this week. We have started to collect your pictures in response to our creative challenge. We will upload a video at the end of next week - keep sending them to us! We are really proud of all the hard work you are doing at the moment.
We would like you to take part in the Preston Pioneer Challenge. Head over to the gallery to take a look and find out more. https://www.prestoncofeprimary.co.uk/home-learning/
We are missing you and cannot wait to see you,
Year 5 Team
Week 2
Welcome to Week 2, did it feel like last week flew by for you? It did for us!
We are still missing you very much and will finish off ringing parents this week.
We also have a challenge coming your way.... keep an eye on the website to see what it is!!
21st April
Here is a link to the free resources that Amazon are providing for everyone. The resources range from ebooks and audiobooks to fitness content and videos!
Hopefully it is useful to you!
Year 5 Team
Welcome Back!
So today is the start of our Summer Term. We are all sad that we cannot see you but enjoyed talking to your parents and hearing about all the fantastic things you have been up to over the past few weeks!
It is extremely important that we still have our routines so your timetable is very similar to what you would be doing in school!
You have all the documents you will need below (earlybirds are on the maths document) as well as the timetable. Just remember, all we ask of you is to have a go and do your best, if you have any big problems with the work then you can always email us!
Please remember to practise your timestables, spellings and read every day!
Missing you all,
Year 5 Team
Tuesday 7th April
Happy Tuesday Year 5,
We hope you are all enjoying the first few days of the Easter Holidays and spending lots of time in the beautiful sunshine. Below we have added a picture of a Happiness Calendar. We thought it might be a good idea to try and complete a task each day. These activities will help improve your mental health and wellbeing throughout April and over the isolation period.
Look after yourselves, friends and family.
Year 5 Teachers
Final day of term!
We are looking forward to reading through all of your work, so make sure you remember your punctuation, grammar and of course, BEAUTIFUL handwriting!
I am sure we have all been enjoying following Joe Wicks and his daily workouts, this is continuing throughout the Easter holidays at 9am (available afterwards too) which we recommend you follow. Not only is it a great way to exercise, but it also is good for our mental health. As we all know, exercise releases happy hormones!
On a separate note - it would be really great if we could get as many of us as possible joining in with creating pictures for the new Nightingale Hospital in London. https://www.itv.com/thismorning/hot-topics/the-nightingale-hospital-needs-your-pictures
Wednesday 1st April
Good Afternoon Year 5!
We hope you have all had a great start to the week, perhaps some of you have managed to complete the daily earlybird activities.
I am attaching some links to some exciting websites below. There are STEM activities - Dr Chip has some great videos that you can follow along with, or just watch and learn!
Edinburgh Zoo has live camera feeds for some of their animals which is accessible throughout the day - we know how some of you enjoyed watching these when we had lunch in class!
To get us more creative, the BBC have an art ninja to inspire us!
Finally, for those of you missing your music lessons, there are some videos of Body Beats body percussion online lessons on youtube. The link is to a particular video but if you go to his channel there are lots of online sessions!
Dr Chip - https://drchips.weebly.com/
Edinburgh Zoo - https://www.edinburghzoo.org.uk/webcams/panda-cam/
Art ninja - https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/shows/art-ninja
Body Beat Music - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4mZhv9HS-g
Stay safe,
Year 5 Team
Monday 30th March
Hello Year 5 children,
We hope you and your families are well and have enjoyed the lovely weather over the last week. We are all missing you a lot and thinking of you at home. This week we will be contacting you and your families to check you are ok and hear some of the great activities you have been up to.
Hopefully, you have had a good look through your work packs and have spent some time each day completing Maths, English and also the broader curriculum activities. We hope you are also spending time immersing yourself in a good book! We will be sending an email to remind you of your TTrockstars, Mymaths and Sumdog usernames and passwords. Below we have uploaded some Early Birds for you to complete.
As well as your work packs we have been asking, where possible, you use the internet to enhance your learning. Due to the additional time at home you may find yourself spending more time online. We thought this would be a good time to remind you of the online safety guidelines we have learnt about. When using the internet remember to keep your personal information and passwords private and talk to an adult about any worries.
As it is the last week before the Easter Holidays, we would have been learning at school about the Easter story. Spend time over the next few days, thinking about the Stations of the Cross and reflect on the message that Easter represents. Can you think creatively of an activity to help you reflect? Write a poem? Produce a comic strip? Create a piece of art?Then share this with friends and family.
Keep taking photos, recording and sharing your work with those around you. We are looking forward to seeing all the wonderful things you have accomplished when we get back!
Year 5 Teachers.
Wednesday 25th March 2020
Hello Year 5!
We hope you are enjoying the wonderful sunshine! We know this is a strange time for you all but we are so proud with the way you have coped over the last few weeks. We hope that you are being responsible and helping your parents at home, perhaps with jobs around the house or entertaining younger brothers and sisters as we know how much you like to help at school.
If you haven't already, try to think of ways to break up your day and put smiles on the faces of people around you; write letters to members of your family or friends or bake cakes for your neighbours - Mrs Haines had little cupcakes left on her doorstep this morning for her daughters by the children over the road. Chocolate cake at 9am certainly made them very happy!
If there are any projects or creative activities that you'd like to do as part of the school work we gave you, please go ahead and do whatever you'd like, it will be lovely to see them or photos of anything you have gotten up to when we see you again!
Hopefully your school work is going well and remember, if there is anything you don't understand and can't work out how to do from getting in contact with friends in your class, please don't worry, we can look at it when we get back. We hope you are able to enjoy this time with your family, having fun playing games and sharing activities together.
Parents, keep doing the fantastic job you have been doing! The children have plenty of activities to keep them going for the time being, we will update with new activities when necessary.
My Maths is still a great site for them to be practising maths skills - they don't need their individual login as we haven't set specific tasks, so they are free to choose games to play.
Twinkl is a site that we use in school, as a parent you can sign up for free at the moment. There is a wealth of printable activities if you feel you need extra.
There are lots of free resources and sites being advertised at the moment, please keep in mind that we pick and choose suitable resources from these sites, also double check conditions for signing up for free as they may charge after a length of time.
We are missing your smiling faces and the laughs you bring us each day. Stay safe, be good and we will see you soon!
Mrs Haines, Miss Lewis and Miss Taylor
Forest School
Elm Class enjoyed a sunny walk to Preston Secondary School to spend the afternoon at Forest School. They enjoyed making fires (with some help from Year 8 pupils), making S'mores and toasting marshmallows. We were also joined by Dylan the schools therapy puppy. Unfortunately, we were not allowed to bring him back to school with us!
Explorer Dome
We recently visited Sherborne Girls School to experience the Explorer Dome. We learnt about our planet, moon, sun and solar system. We saw how they move and why we see what we see in the sky. We then went star-spotting to discover the different constellations and learnt about the stories behind them including the gods and heroes, myths and monsters from Ancient Greece
Sport Relief
Year 5 ran and cycled their socks off on Friday to raise money for Sport Relief. We are very impressed with the effort that every single one of them put into the cycling, running and in the tug of war!
World Book Day
Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed dressing up for World Book Day and produced some pretty impressive costumes! They worked hard to create imaginative descriptions of the characters they dressed up as. What a fantastic effort from all!
Year 5 continue to enjoy their dance lessons on Wednesday afternoons. They have been learning a variety of dance routines with Mrs Hill such as African style, Rock n Roll and most recently old school Hip-Hop.
As an introduction to our Greece topic, Year 5 located Greece on an atlas and our globe. We discussed its surrounding countries and then checked to see if we were right, as well as discussing its climate, capital city and flag.
Plant Cuttings
Hornbeam class were excited to see that over half term our cuttings have started to grow roots! Keep an eye out for updates!
This week in Science, Year 5 have been looked at how plants reproduce. We discussed how some plants can reproduce by themselves which lead to us taking cuttings from a spider plant and putting them in water. Hopefully, after half term, we will start to see some roots grow!
BBC 500 Word Write
Year 5 have enjoyed creating their own 500 word stories for the BBC competition. This week's challenge has been typing them up and submitting them online!
Elm class have been taking part in an afternoon of multiskills on a Friday run by the Yeovil Town Community Trust as part of their Premier League Primary Stars programme. We have been focussing on team skills and working together.
Chinese New Year
Year 5 have been learning about Chinese New Year. We have researched lots of traditions and discussed which traditions we would most like to experience. Alex brought everyone a fortune cookie to try and shared his own experiences of Chinese New Year.
Year 5 have enjoyed comparing and grouping materials based on their properties. We tested a variety of materials; salt, sand, 1p coins, 50p coins, paper, plastic, rice, rubber and wood. We tested for hardness, solubility, transparency, the response to magnets, electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity.
Clay Days
Year 5 have recently been visited by Mr Colin Bell, a local potter. Mr Bell demonstrated to the children a variety of techniques to create their own pottery including how to cut, sculpt and build using the clay. The children practised eventually creating their own mythical creatures. During the afternoon, the children were able to glaze their monsters ready to go into the kiln.
Ancient Greece leaflets
This week, Year 5 have been researching facts about Ancient Greece to include in their information leaflets.
Greek Story Vases
Year 5 had great fun learning about Greek Story Vases, and what they were used for. We are in the process of creating our own and cannot wait to see the final result!
Acting out playscripts
Year 5 enjoyed acting out the play scripts of King Midas which they created. They understood how important it was to include stage directions and follow them so the audience can know what is going on.
First Aid
Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed the SPOT workshop learning about CPR and what to do in an emergency!
Christmas Carol Concert
On Thursday 19th December, Rev Ruth Chapman kindly visited to lead our Christmas Service to Years 5 & 6.
As part of our R.E. lesson, we made our very own Christingles. We learned about the symbolism of each part of the Christingle: the light represents the light of Jesus, the orange represents the world, the sticks represent the four compass directions, the red ribbon represents the blood of Jesus and the fruits and sweets skewered on the sticks represent the fruits of the Earth. The end results were very beautiful and they also tasted very nice!
Physical Education
Hornbeam Class enjoyed developing their teamwork and leadership skills in our weekly PE lessons by planning their own mini sessions and delivering them to the rest of the class. It was a great success overall, and fantastic to see the aspiring teachers of the future! We look forward to seeing how the rest of the sessions develop!
Ashford Waterworks
Year 5 journeyed to Ashford to link our classroom learning about Rivers to practical experience at a water treatment centre. After walking around the reservoir, we saw the cleaning process water goes through so that we can drink it from our taps. Using our noses, we also tested some water samples and learned the difference in quality of water depended on where the samples were from. Overall, it was an enjoyable day full of learning and fun with our friends!
Today we had the pleasure of meeting four alpacas. We learnt the difference between llamas and alpacas and now know to look out for the shape of their ears and if their ears are pointy (instead of banana shaped) then they’re alpacas. There are over 22 different shades of alpacas, which we were all stunned by. Some of us were able to reach the alpacas to give them a good stroke- their fur was surprisingly soft!
We’ve been having fun in Maths this week learning about fractions. We can now convert, find equivalents and simplify fractions.
Year 5 enjoyed learning how to produce graffiti as artwork. We discussed the appropriate artistic uses of graffiti and created our own name tags.
Healthy Futures
Year 5 had the pleasure of Mr Kennard for a 6 week Healthy Futures Programme where the children learned about healthy behaviours like brushing their teeth, attitudes to mental health and emotions as well as participating in a physical bleep test. The children managed to set targets for their own personal development which they hoped to achieve by the end of the course.
Year 5 enjoyed writing prayers to go on the display board in St James‘ Church for the Harvest Festival. See above.