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Reception - Oak Class

Chinese New Year


The children in Reception had a fabulous week celebrating Chinese New Year. We learnt about which animals are symbols of Chinese New Year and the children also wrote about them in their English lesson. We enjoyed a variety of arts and crafts and decorated the entrance to our school with Chinese lanterns, snakes and garlands. On the Friday, the Reception children paraded through the school underneath a large Chinese Dragon, shaking their homemade pasta shakers. All of the other classes loved seeing them through their windows.

Ordering Numbers 1-10. 

The children in Reception have been working so hard with their numbers recently and have been practising ordering them from 1-10. Well done for working so hard children 😊.

Happy Holidays!                                                                                     

The Christmas holidays are nearly upon us! Thank you for your continued support this term and for all of the lovely cards and gifts that we have received.

Over the holidays, we hope that you spend some valuable time with your families, resting and preparing for another busy term ahead. Please try to keep up with listening to your child read as much as possible over the holidays, as this is so important. Also, please could we ask you to encourage your child to practise getting dressed independently and have a go at learning to zip up their coat over the Christmas period.

We hope that you have a lovely Christmas holiday and look forward to seeing you in the new year.

Pantomime Fun!

The children enjoyed their first trip to the pantomime this week to watch ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. They behaved beautifully and were a credit to our school. They loved watching the singing, dancing and colourful displays and a great time was had by all. 

Church Visit


The children in Reception went on their first ever school trip this week to St James’ Church. We walked down to the church and whilst we were there, learnt about the reasons why people visit churches. We were also told the Nativity story and sang some of our nativity songs. A great time was had by all, thank you so much for having us.

Flying Visitor


The children were so excited when Father Christmas and his elf landed their helicopter on our field!! They came to see the children and collect letters that had been written to him. He spent time talking to the children about their Christmas wishes and everyone was extremely excited! Thank you Father Christmas, it was so nice to have you visit ☺️🎅🏻!!

Fine Motor Fun


The children have been having lots of fun this week practising using their fine motor skills. They have been using pincers to make cotton wool snow men, threading Cheerios onto spaghetti and having lots of fun with play dough.

Nativity-‘Christmas Counts’


The children in Reception performed their first ever nativity this week, ‘Christmas Counts’. We were so impressed with how well the children learnt their lines and songs! They even learnt sign language to go with the songs! Well done Reception, we were so proud of you! ❤️🎄

Mrs Helyar and baby Wilber


We were so excited to have Mrs Helyar and baby Wilber visit us in school this week to watch our dress rehearsal of our nativity. Thank you for coming into see us, it was lovely to meet baby Wilber ❤️

Pudsey Visit


The children in Reception were so excited to have the real Pudsey Bear visit us at school to say thank you for their donations. We loved having you Pudsey, thank you for coming!😊

Children in Need

Reception marked ‘Children in Need’ by coming into school in non uniform for a small donation. The children learnt about the meaning of ‘Children in Need’ and why we support the cause. We organised lots of fantastic activities on the day and even made some Pudsey biscuits. A great day was had by all.


The children were so excited to see our first sprinkling of snow this year. They enjoyed exploring our outdoor area by making tracks in the snow and feeling the snowflakes fall on their tongues.

Forest School


The children in Reception had a fantastic, fun filled forest school session with Mrs Chislett. Parents were invited to come into school to work with their children in our outdoor environment. The children made bird feeders, completed a treasure hunt, made fairy wands and completed collage pictures, all out of natural resources from our environment. The children had a fabulous time learning outside, thank you to all of the parents who were able to come in and help.

Bible Gift


Every year in reception, the children are gifted a Bible from the school, so that the children can share the stories at home with their families. Our new reception children loved receiving theirs this year. We hope that these bring you many years of joy.

   Owl Visit


The children in reception thoroughly enjoyed a recent visit from some owls. They learnt all about what the owls like to eat, where they live and when they sleep. The children behaved beautifully and they asked some fantastic questions.

Welcome to Reception

Our new reception children have had a fantastic start to their time at primary school. This week, we have been learning about our school rules and routines. We have also been learning number songs and familiar sounds that we hear in our environment. The children have impressed us so much by how quickly they have settled in. Well done everyone on having such an excellent start to your time at primary school. 
