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Year 4 - Hawthorn Class 2020-2021

Geography Day 


We were very impressed with all the children's blue and white clothing. Hawthorn Class enjoyed taking part in Geography Day. We spent the morning learning about the Olympics and studying this years hosts - Japan. We used Google Earth to explore Tokyo and other areas of Japan. After lunch we studied San Marino, the children researched a specific topic such as religion, climate and landscape in groups. The children then created a poster and presented their findings to the class.

Egyptian Projects


Wow! What can we say, we were completely overwhelmed by the children’s Egyptian projects this year! It was simply incredible, the time and effort that every single child put into their home projects was outstanding and we had a wonderful morning. The children were able to present information as well as show off their amazing projects and we all learned so much! Thank you for everyone who helped create these incredible projects, we will be sending them home in the penultimate week of term.

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Sports Day 2021! 


Wow! What an incredible sports day Year 4 had! All of the children were exceptionally behaved and gave each event a massive amount of effort. We were very impressed with their outstanding results and the comradery they showed throughout the day. Please see below the superb action shots we captured! 



This week in Maths the children have been learning how to use a protractor to measure angles accurately. We were very pleased with the concentration and effort the children put in to measuring and drawing their own angles. 



Hawthorn Class have been learning about masks from different cultures. The children designed a masks based on their own research using the iPads. Very carefully, the children painted and decorated their masks ready for the parade on the school field. 

 Mental Health Awareness Week


This years Mental Health Awareness Week theme was nature. Hawthorn Class went for a walk around the school looking at the nature that was all around them, they were asked to think about what mental health and nature meant to them. The children then sat down in groups and reflected on experiences and ways in which being with nature might improve a persons mental health. There was lots of discussion about how nature helped the children feel positive through lockdown. 

Year 4 Tea Party


A big well done to Oliver, Ava and Elsie who were invited to a tea party with Mrs Hodgson. Everyone in Year 4 is very proud of your hard work this year.

Egyptian Hieroglyphs


This half-term Hawthorn has been learning about Ancient Egyptians as our History topic. The children were tasked with deciphering the hieroglyphics, after many attempts and lots of good guesses the actual meanings were revealed. The children then created their own Cartouche which have been displayed on out Egyptian board. We have enjoyed hearing about all the hard work that is going on at home towards the children's projects, we cannot wait to see the finished results. 



This week the children have been practising their skipping skills in preparation for Sports Day. The children were keen to see who could skip for the longest with the most being 48! The children took part in a skipping race at the end of the lesson against everyone in the class. 

Virtual Reality Workshop 


To introduce out Egyptian topic for the Summer term, Hawthorn took part in a virtual reality workshop. The children were given headsets in pairs and were taken on an adventure through Egyptian times. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed using the VR headsets and we are looking forward to our Ancient Egyptian topic next term. 



This term in Science, Hawthorn class have been learning about sound. We have conducted lost of experiments to broaden our understanding. We have designed our own ear defenders, testing different materials to see what would work best to decrease sounds. We made string telephones, looking at how sound travels through vibrations. We used water and a glass to hear different pitches as well as looking at why instruments make different noises. A very busy half term! 



Design and Technology Project


This week the children have worked very hard on their DT projects. The children were tasked with designing and creating their own money containers. After careful planning, they started to make the money containers. The children concentrated hard, learning how to thread a needles and create stitches to form their money containers. We were very impressed with all of the children's needle work. Finally, the children decorated their money containers ready to take home for the Easter holiday. 

Comic Relief 


Comic Relief was a great success. The children looked wonderful in their superhero outfits. We had a brilliant day and raised lots of money for charity. Hawthorn Superhero's!

Persuasive Letter Writing


This week the children received a letter from the Year 4 teachers proposing to cancel school holidays! The children were tasked with responding using persuasive writing techniques to challenge the teachers' decisions. This was a topic that the children were very passionate about and the children were able to change their teachers minds. Thankfully, school holidays will still be going ahead.

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Home Learning


Well done to all the children in Hawthorn Class for a very successful half term of home learning. The children have coped so well with the changes and continued to challenge themselves with home learning activities. The photo's below show only a small snippet of the wonderful work that has been produced by our class this half term. 

Prayer Day


The children had the choice of creating, illustrating, learning or writing a Prayer. As a class we thought about why we pray and compared different prayers that we knew already. Thank you Florence for such a beautifully read Prayer. 

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Friends in France


During the Autumn Term, Pupils in Year 4 wrote to our twinned school in France. The children each have a pen pal to correspond with. The children wrote in French about themselves, discussing their appearance and personality. Hawthorn Class were fortunate enough to receive their replies before Christmas. The children were very excited to receive a Christmas letter each with a photo of their pen pal inside and information about the school and local community. Pupils have started to draft a response as part of their home learning, ready to be sent when we come back to school. We wait eagerly for the rest of the letters to arrive.





Instead of going to the pantomime this year, the pantomime came to us. Even though we were unable to go to the pantomime, the children still enjoyed watching it on the big screen in the classroom. The children laughed and laughed and laughed all the way through.  

Father Christmas Visit


Hawthorn Class had an unexpected visit from Father Christmas. The children arrived into school and an unfamiliar letter had been left on the side. The children followed Father Christmas clues to their final presents. We were all very excited and pleased with our new games. Thank you very much Father Christmas!

Tudor Day! 


Hawthorn class enjoyed taking part in Year 4 Tudor Day! We had so many fantastic costumes - knights, Kings, Queens, jesters and many more. We began the day by drawing portraits of Henry VIII wives. The children then made Tudor Roses out of clay which we painted later in the week. The children then practised their archery skills ready to take part in our class competition. We had 3 winners. Well done Emilia, Jay and Harry. After lunch, we joined Hickory for a socially distanced ball which King Henry VIII attended. Miss Light taught the children Tudor dances and the children showed off their new skills to Mrs Hodgson. The children then returned back to the classroom for the Tudor banquet. The children tasted food such as marzipan, pork pies and fruit tarts. Well done to all the children for getting involved and being so well-behaved, we had a lovely day together! 



Hawthorn have been learning about the digestive system. We have looked at the different parts and learnt their functions. The children took part in an experiment to show the different features of the digestive system. we used a freezer bag with orange juice  as stomach acid, banana and biscuits as food to show what happens in the stomach. The children took it in turns to churn the food with their hands. We used a a pair of tights as the small intestines and poured the food in. We used a tea towel to soak up any left over liquids like the large intestines. We then cut a small hole in the tights and pushed the left over food through. The children enjoyed taking part. There was lots of laughs! 


Pete the Poet


Pete the Poet came to Preston Primary to deliver a workshop that focussed on diversity and equality. We discussed key figures in the race and equality movements around the world such as Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King. The children spoke about what equality and diversity meant to them. The class then wrote a poem and performed it to Mrs Hodgson. 

Writing Instructions


This week in Hawthorn Class we have been writing our own set of instructions. We have looked at a range of instructions including; how to tie your shoelaces, baking a cake and playing a board game.

We then went up to the Cooking Hut and made Rice Krispy cakes. The next day, the children wrote out their own set of instructions 'How to make Rice Krispy Cakes'.  



Remembrance Day


Young and old are now dead,

gunpowder fired to their heads. 

Separated father and son, 

As commander shouted come.

Always remember them. 


They made no choices, 

nightmares of their voices.

Night where bombs were dropped,

enemies couldn't be stopped.

Always remember them. 


Women took over at home,

whilst the men were all alone.

Stories of the men who fought, 

lessons must now be taught. 

Always remember them. 


By Siobhan 





Harvest Festival 


Hawthorn Class enjoyed taking part in Harvest Festival this year. The children brought in items of food to donate to The Lord's Larder. The children discussed the meaning of Harvest Festival and what they were thankful for. We wrote our own acrostic poems about Harvest. The children joined in with our virtual Harvest Festival delivered by Reverend Ruth. 





In Geography, Hawthorn Class have been learning about volcanoes.  We have learnt about the different parts of a volcano, why and how a volcano erupts and where volcanoes are usually found. The children have researched and created fact files about a chosen volcano in the world. We have spent time creating our own volcanoes out of papier-mache. The children used a bottle, newspaper and cardboard to create the structure. We then papier-mache using flour and water and then painted them. After working so well together, the children spent the afternoon using vinegar, food colouring and baking powder to create an explosion. 




Hawthorn are enjoying their dance lessons on a Thursday afternoon. They have been learning a variety of dance routines with Mrs Hill focussing recently on hip-hop. 

School Council Representative


Well done to all the children who volunteered for School Council. The children took it in turns to stand up in front of the class and explain why they would make the best candidate. With plenty of ideas, it was a very close vote. 


Congratulations to Cooper for being elected as Hawthorn's School Council Representative. 

European Day of Languages

Hawthorn Class enjoyed celebrating European Day of Languages on Friday. The children learnt to speak and write a range of languages throughout the day. Sharing their own knowledge and experiences of different languages with the rest of the class. The children practised their French and Italian whilst we took the register. Anastasia and Kasper very proudly taught the class how to greet people in Polish. We learnt how to write out names in Chinese and understand the Chinese alphabet. As well as practising the days of the week in French and learning a new French song. 

Welcome back! 


We were so thrilled to be able to welcome back all our new Year 4 pupils last week. After a long wait, it is lovely to see the positivity and enthusiasm the children have about being back in school. The first week back was full of productivity and getting to grips with new routines. The children have enjoyed sharing their memories of Lockdown and the Summer Holidays as well as getting stuck into the Year 4 curriculum.


We are looking forward to supporting your children throughout Year 4 and seeing them reach their full potential ready for Year 5. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me - Miss Taylor.


