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Activity 3 International Week

Geography/International Week Activities will commence on 28th June with our Geography Day for the whole school on Friday July 2nd. Dates rearranged due to COVID restrictions and previous lockdown rules with social distancing etc.

Please visit out class pages to view a plethora of photographs, videos and read all about our very successful International Geography Day. 

Global James (Friday 11th June )

We were blessed with dry weather for our annual Global Games. Year 6 Sports leaders were phenomenal in ensuring the Year 2 children understood the games and the countries they were each linked with. This gave the opportunity for discussion about the countries and some of the languages spoken. For example Table Tennis Circuit Game - Wo zinghwan ping pang how - I love table tennis and Deutch Volkerball - Mein nam ist- My name is ….

Collaboration with the younger children ensures that both set of age group are able to work together and teaches the younger children to listen to the older children giving advice and support. 
Next week, Year 5 will be working alongside Year 3 recreating this special day of international discovery. 

Examples of Global Games Activities

Language Ambassadors getting ready for International Week
