17th - 21st July. Our last week in Year 3! It was Nelson Mandela Day on the 18th July. Nelson Mandela was born on this day and it is a very special day. We have enjoyed watching videos and looking a news clips about why he takes such an important place in South African, and our, history.
We have decorated biscuits today!
We enjoyed some Pointillism today! We used cotton buds to paint summer pictures.
10th - 17th July. Science project week! What an amazing amount of work the children (and families!) have done for their homework this half term! We are so proud of everyone that completed their project, you should be so proud of yourselves! The rest of the school came to see them!
We held our annual house football tournament this week. Sharman won!
We took part in a really entertaining Samba workshop this week. We got to play different instruments, it was loads of fun!
We enjoyed making carnival masks to finish off our Geography topic, Brazil.
3rd - 7th July. We kicked the week off with revision of our Science topic, Plants. We went over everything we know about how plants grow and the best conditions to keep plants in. We also recapped what parts of a plant are called.
Mr Bourne organised our Global Games morning this week, it was so much fun. We were helped by Year 5 children who showed us how to play lots of different activities. Well done Harry and Rishona who were picked as best boy and girl!
We went to visit Year 4 this week to look at their Egyptian projects...we got lots of ideas ready for next year!
We have begun making our castles in Design Technology. We are using paper nets to make into 3d shapes to build them.
In RE, we have been learning about the symbols of Islam that are important to Muslims.
We enjoyed the bouncy castle that the PTA organised for us before the Summer Fayre!
26th - 30th June. We kicked off the week with a walk to Johnson Park to have a tennis session with Dan and Dom! It was such a great morning, we learnt lots of great skills.