We have had a brilliant half term learning, rehearsing and performing our play! I have been blown away by the enthusiasm and dedication the children have put into everything involving the play. Thank you to all the parents and guardians who have helped the children learn their lines, practice the songs and provide costumes. I hope you all enjoyed watching it as much as we enjoyed performing it.
Monday 10th February
Safer Internet Day
Today we had an assembly led by the Digital Leaders about ways to stay safe on the internet and how to spot when you are being scammed. Safer Internet Day is Tuesday 11th February.
This also links into our Digital Detox Challenge that is happening across the school. How many ways can you find swap your screen time for?
Tuesday 4th February
Balanced Arguments
Today, we carefully examined a balanced argument and identified the key features. We explored the structure of the argument from the purpose of introductions and conclusions to the presentation of for and against points. We used a colour coded system to highlight fronted adverbials, conjunctions and the structural elements.
Wednesday 29th January
Chinese New Year
Tuesday 28th January
Scientific Experiment
This half term we have been looking at plants in science. To understand how water moves through a plants stem to its leaves and petals, we conducted a scientific experiment. The only thing we changed was the colour of the water to ensure it was a fair test. We have been observing the flowers everyday to see if the food colouring reaches the petals.
Tuesday 7th January
Welcome Back Whitebeam!
I hope you have all had a lovely break and are coming back feeling well-rested and excited for the term ahead. There are lots of activities and events to look forward to this term, alongside, covering new topics across all subjects.
Friday 20th December
Merry Christmas!
A huge well done to all the children for an amazing Autumn Term. Hope you all have a great Christmas break; have lots of fun and stay safe. See you in the new year!
Love Miss Dexter
Father Christmas
Making Snowflakes!
Using pretzels, white chocolate and sprinkles, we made our very own snowflakes. They were then topped with a little Christmas sparkle!
Visit to St James Church
Today we had our annual visit to St James Church for our Christmas service led by David. The year 3 reader were brilliant and should be very proud of themselves for having a key role in the service. We sang carols and listened to David tell the Christmas story using vegetables. Merry Christmas!
Jingle Bells
We had a go at rewriting the lyrics to Jingle Bells today! Some of the children took the chance to perform their new versions to the class. We had a great time thinking of new lyrics and watching each other perform!
Panto Visit!
We were fortunate enough to enjoy a whole school visit to the Yeovil pantomime! The children really enjoyed the performance and the sweet treats provided by the PTA.
Sock Snowmen!
Tuesday 17th December
Christmas Card Making!
Today, we made Christmas cards for the residents at the local care home. Some of our children had the opportunity to deliver the Christmas cards.
Thursday 12th December
Using texture to create art.
In art this half term we have been looking at texture and how it can be used to create dimension and interesting. After creating texture rubbings outside, we learnt how to tear paper correctly so that we could create unique shapes. These were assembled into beautiful flowers.
Christmas Lunch!
Computing - Stop frame animation
We have completed an exciting module in computing this half term. The children had the opportunity to design and create their own background and characters to feature in their group stop frame animation. Then children learnt the how to create a stop frame animation and understood the importance of the camera staying in the same place and each movement on the characters being very small. The animations the children created were innovative and great fun to watch.
Thursday 28th November
Investigation into Friction
As part of our science unit, we wanted to understand how difference surfaces effect motion. We concluded that smoother surfaces create less friction, therefore making the car travel further. Rough and bumpy surfaces create more friction, meaning the car traveled shorter distances.
Sponsored Run in aid of School in a Bag
A huge well done to all of the children at Preston Primary School for taking part and raising a massive £5293.36.
As a class we contributed £288.50 to the total. We are looking forward to more fundraising events in the future!
Children in Need
Tuesday 12th October
Magnets and Forces
We have started our new science topic of magnets and forces. This week, we conducted an experiment to identify which materials in our classroom were magnetic.
Remembrance Day
Friday 18th October
Stone Age Day!
The children had a fun filled day living in the Stone Age. They made a Stone Age dessert, created cave paintings and enjoyed a scavenger hunt of typical tasks in a stone age day.
Thursday 17th October
Visit to the Church
On our visit to the church, we learn more about Baptism.
Hello Yellow Day!
Thursday 10th October
In History we have been learning about the Stone Age, Bronze Age and the Iron Age. Today, we put all of our knowledge together to order events across the Ages.
Tuesday 8th October
Collective Worship
To begin our worship, we read the parable of Noah's Ark. We then discussed the themes of patience, hope, trust and love. We then reflected on times in our own lives when we have had to be patient and hopeful. We each wrote our ideas down on a leaf to create a patience tree. We discussed how it takes time for trees to grow and, as our tree grew with every leaf that was added, we needed to have patience to see the finished piece.
Tuesday 1st October
Today we made hands to represent how the muscles and tendons. We used straws the represent the tendons and children could pull the strings to visualise how muscles, tendons and bones work together.
Monday 23rd September
Owl Visit
Wednesday 18th September
We are fortunate enough to have a dance teacher come into school and lead the children’s PE lessons this half term. Here are a few picture of them during the lesson.
Monday 16th September
In RE we have been developing our understanding of what Christians believe about God and His relationship with people.
Friday 13th September
In our computing lesson this week, we looked at the importance of online safety. Below is one of the fantastic posters the children produced. The posters included information and advice for people using the internet and devices. Well done everyone for a great week!
Welcome back to school and welcome to Whitebeam class year 3's!
I hope you all had a lovely summer. I am looking forward to spending a wonderful year with you all.
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