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Year 1 - Pear Class

Please support your child with their phonics in Year 1.  Phonics are the key to good reading and writing

After learning all about Victorian seasides we built our very own bathing machines. Before making we learnt all about wheels and axles, then put our knowledge to the test when designing and making our very own bathing machines to take home. 

Pear Class enjoyed joining Pine Class for Sports Day. We all enjoyed taking part in the different races and cheering each other on. Thank you to everyone who came to support us for the afternoon!

For winning the Easter Egg Money Challenge Pear Class joined Whitebeam Class on the field to end the week with an extra play session, where we were lucky to have different inflatables and games to play with. We also enjoyed some delicious ice-creams in the sun! Thank you to the PTA for this treat. 

This week we took a trip to SandWorld in Weymouth to visit their sand sculptures. When we got there we got taught how to make our own sand sculpture, including how to make a sand sphere by Finn. Pear Class amazed us by all making their own sand castle and then got creative with changing the design. After building our own sand castles we visited all the different sand sculptures built by artists from around the world. Once we had learnt all about how the sand sculptures are built we got to make our own SandArt bottles, that we could take home! To finish the day we all enjoyed a well deserved ice lolly after a day in the sun. 

Pear Class put their skills to the test when making a 3D sculpture of a shape shifting toy. They had fun when making them and even more fun when they were finished, finding lots of different shapes they could make! 

Phonics Treat

The children in Year 1 have worked tremendously hard during Phonics Week. As a treat we went outside with Pine Class to enjoy a well deserved treat. Well done Year 1!

Bring and Share a Book

To start the half term we had our last two books shared. To begin the week we read When Etty-Rose Grows Up where we heard all about different jobs that we could do when we get older from being an astronaut to being a footballer. Our last book shared was Bears and a Birthday, where we heard delightful rhymes and saw a birthday surprise. 

Thank you to the whole of Pear Class for bringing and sharing your books with us! 

Pear Class got the opportunity to use clay. While learning about 3D sculptures we got the opportunity to get outside to make clay fish. The children loved making their own fish and adding extra details like scales. Later in the week they added some sparkle to their fish by adding glitter

Bring and Share a Book

To end the half term we had two more books shared. We had great fun listening to and hunting for all of the unicorns in This Book is Full of Unicorns. The class also enjoyed hearing the book Tiddler and discussing all their favourite sea creatures. Thank you to everyone who has shared their favourite books so far. 

A huge thank you to the PTA for organising a visit from Twinnies Animal Farm. The children loved seeing the different animals and learning more about them. We got the opportunity to see and hold rabbits called Ronnie and Bluebell and brush Dinky the miniature Shetland Pony. We also got to stroke three lambs called Rosie, Ruby and Dylan and two alpacas; Storm and Nico. We had a great afternoon with the animals! 

This half term in DT the children have been busy designing and making windmills, after reading the book Katie the Windmill Cat. We ensured our structures were stable and enjoyed looking at what 3D shapes made our windmills. The children worked hard to make their windmills according to their designs, we hope you enjoy our final windmills. 

Bring and Share a Book

We read a book this week that made us all laugh when reading about how Reggie got named Reggie-o-Saurus, in I’m a Reggie-o-Saurus. We also read the lovely story of Ella’s Night Lights, which inspired us all to look into the night sky. Thank you two for sharing your books this week! 

Vanarama National League South Trophy

We were very lucky to have a visit from Yeovil Town Football Club to see the  Vanarama National League South Trophy. We heard about Yeovil Town’s wonderful season and how over 100,000 people visited the stadium this season alone! We also had a surprise visitor, Frank Nouble, who was eager to answer all the children’s questions. Thank you to Connie and Dan for bringing in the trophy! 

Bring and Share a Book

We shared a non-fiction book this week called Penguins. We learnt what a non-fiction book is and were lucky enough to learn lots of new and interesting penguin facts. We also got to read The Dinosaur that Pooped a Pirate, where the quest for gold took the dinosaur through crocodile infested caves, over treacherous rope bridges and down perilous waterfalls. 

In Art this week we had to get creative with colour printing. As we are making windmills in Design and Technology we thought we would print bricks onto our windmill templates. Pear Class had great fun and we can’t wait to show you our finished windmills later in the term. 

This week we were active in maths, learning about capacity. We estimated and then tested how many cups it would take to fill a container. Later in the week we looked at different sized containers to identify which would hold the most and the least, again testing to see if we were correct. Pear Class demonstrated excellent estimation skills and performed wonderfully in mathematics this week. 

In RE, we have learnt about Moses and the Ten Plagues. We found a fun way to help us understand and remember the Ten Plagues of Egypt by making our very own spin wheels.

Bring and Share a Book

This week we shared two more of the children’s favourite books. We started the week hearing all about Room on the Broom, which was a special edition, and after reading it we considered and then discussed all of the different things we can make and do. At the end of the week we heard the story of Winnie the Pooh Meets the King, where we learnt all about the must see sites of London. 

While learning about sea creatures, we took our learning to the laptops. We picked our own sea creatures and then wrote descriptive sentences, making sure to include capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. Pear Class used the laptops excellently and took great care when writing their sentences. 


This week we learnt all about reptiles and were excited to have a visit from Mrs Charters tortoise, Jules. We learnt all about the different parts of reptiles and their various habitats. A huge thank you to Mrs Charter for letting us meet Jules.

Dentist Visit

We were extremely lucky this week to have a visit from a hygienist from BrightBites. We learnt all about how to take care of our teeth, including how to brush our teeth correctly and the foods we should eat to help protect our teeth. We were also very lucky to receive a new toothbrush and toothpaste so that we could show off what we had learnt. 

Bring and Share a Book

To begin our half term we shared two lovely books. We heard all about The Scarecrows Wedding and The Dinosaur that Pooped the Past. It was a great start to the half term and we are now ready to hear everyone else’s favourite books. 

Welcome Back!

We have had a lovely first week of our Summer Term. We’ve been busy learning about the book Sharing a Shell, reinforcing our knowledge of lots of 2, 5 and 10, learning the structure of a fish and lots more! We hope our wonderful commitment to learning continues throughout our last term in Year 1, hopefully with some lovely Summer weather. 

Happy Easter!

In the last week of term Pear Class were excited to make their very own Easter Gardens and crispy chocolate nests. We also had our Easter Service with Reverend Keen. 

Thank you to all of our parents for all of your help this term and we hope you all have a Happy Easter. 

Bring and Share a Book

To end the half term we were transported back to Christmas with The Christmasaurus and had lots of laughs when reading The Wonky Donkey. Thank you boys for sharing your books, we look forward to seeing everyone else’s favourite books next term. 

This half term we have been busy designing and making our own cold fruit desserts. We learnt about fruits and vegetables, including where they are grown and got the opportunity to taste some before picking the fruit for our desserts. We finally got to make our desserts by adding fruit, jelly, custard, cream and sprinkles together to make our tasty desserts. 

Bring and Share a Book

We had another two fantastic books shared this week I am a Tiger and The Moon Cake, one of the many stories from 37 Utterly Silly Stories.  

Science Investigation

Pear Class loved becoming scientists for the day and conducting their very own scientific investigations. The children tested a variety of materials to see which were waterproof. After testing the materials we then discussed which material would be best suited to make a coat. The children amazed us with their questions and ideas, proving that they would make wonderful scientists. 

Pear Class were lucky enough to visit the Science Fair this week. The children saw all of the stalls and enjoyed learning the science behind the experiments. Well done to all of the children who made and shared their projects! 

Science Assembly

This week we had a brilliant assembly from Year 10’s at Preston Academy. The children saw elephant toothpaste being made before setting off to complete two experiments of their own with the Year 10’s. A huge thank you to Preston Academy for visiting our school. 

Bring and Share a Book

This week we had two new books to share; Mine! and I Want a Friend! Thank you to the girls who bought these books into share, we loved listening to and discussing your favourite books.  

Please enjoy looking through all of our costumes. Thank you all for dressing up! 

We had such a fantastic day today celebrating World Book Day. We had wonderful variety of costumes and the children all looked fantastic. Pear Class turned into Wonderland, with visits from Alice, The Mad Hatter, The Queen of Hearts and The White Rabbit. The children had a  day filled with lots of opportunities to read, writing book reviews, making bookmarks and making books with the Year 6’s. We hope the children thoroughly enjoyed their day and a huge thank you to all the parents for their help with the children’s wonderful costumes. 

The children have been busy making Mother’s Day gifts ready for Mother’s Day. They wrote their very own Best Mum awards saying why they loved their mums and got creative making their very own magnets ready to take home. The children also decorated their own pots and planted sunflower seeds. We hope you enjoy the gifts and we look forward to hearing how your sunflowers grow. Happy Mother’s Day to all of our amazing mums!

Bring and Share a Book

To start off the half term we were lucky enough to read Violet-Vixen and the Mysterious Miraculous as well as Mighty Movie Storybook. Thank you once again to all the children for sharing their favourite books, we look forward to everyone else’s turn. 


To help us learn all about transparency we made our very own glasses. We learnt the meaning of the word and identified different materials that are transparent. We very much enjoyed wearing our glasses to see our classroom in different colours. 

Despite the weather we managed to stay active when learning about direction. We spent the week learning about clockwise and anti-clockwise on a clock. In groups we then directed each other using directional language. 

Bring and Share a Book

To end the half term we managed to read another two favourite books. This week we read ‘We’re Going on an Egg Hunt’ and ‘Eat Up Gemma’. Thank you girls for sharing your books and we can’t wait to hear more of your favourite books after half term. 

Year 1 celebrated Shrove Tuesday early this year. We learnt all about the importance of Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday and how Christians celebrate these events. Later in the week we went outside for a pancake race with Pine Class. Pear Class loved taking part and can’t wait to make their own pancakes at home in the holidays.  

As Chinese New Year is celebrated during the February holiday we held our celebrations this week. We learnt the story of The Chinese Zodiac, discovering how the names of the years started. We identified that Pear Class were either Roosters or Dogs, depending on the year they were born. Everyone in Pear Class also made their own concertina dragon to celebrate us entering the year of the Dragon. In the afternoon we enjoyed tasting Chinese food, finding out that all of us loved prawn crackers but the jury is definitely still out on spring rolls!

During Mental Health Week Pear Class looked at the book ‘The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse’.  We looked at and discussed one of the pages and then used different media to recreate the image, here is some of their Artwork. 

Bring and Share a Book

This week Pear Class got the opportunity to hear two lift-the-flap books being read to them. They listened carefully to the girls reading their favourite books ‘Rabbits Nap’ and ‘The Ghost Hunt’. A huge well done to the girls! 

Pear Class would like to say a huge thank you to the PTA for organising this years disco. We all had a fantastic time dancing and singing along with Pine Class and the Year 2 classes. 

This half term Pear Class have mixed their Art and DT skills to design their very own moving books. We designed our books based on the story of Rapunzel. Our Art lessons focused on weaving, plaiting and wool wrapping. Our weaving helped us to make a roof for our towers, our plaiting made Rapunzel’s hair and our wool wrapping made the saddle for our horses. We then made a moving Prince who can cut down a tree and a moving horse. We hope you enjoy sharing these books at home. 

Bring and Share a Book

This week we read all about Bentley’s amazing solo adventure in Petlandia and Moonface’s story in The Magic Faraway Tree. A big thank you to you both for sharing your favourite books! 

This week we got creative when learning about 3D shapes. After learning about vertices, edges and faces we put our knowledge to the test and tried to make our very own 3D shapes. We used magnets, mobilo, Lego and playdoh to make our shapes, finding some easier to make than others. 

Pear Class had a great workshop this week learning all about toys throughout time. During the workshop the children got to watch a zoetrope and make their very own thaumatropes. They also had the opportunity to sort toys, play with toys and dress up in Victorian school clothes. 

Bring and Share a Book

We had two more books to share this week, The Dinosaur that Popped a Pirate and Leaf. A big thank you to you both for sharing your favourite book with your classmates. 

After our trip to the zoo we put our art skills to the test by drawing Spectacled Bears in their natural habitats. Here are a few of our drawings for you to look at. 

Pear Class went on an adventure to Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm this week. The children travelled exceptionally well on the long journey. When we got there we heard the Ruffed Lemurs protect their habitat and were lucky enough to watch the bird show. We saw lots of exciting animals from meerkats to bears and lions. The children’s behaviour was exemplary during the visit and it was a pleasure to take them out for the day. 

Tag Rugby

This week we were lucky to have a session of Tag Rugby with Miss Caddy from Premier Education. The children really enjoyed the session learning new skills in the process. 

Bring and Share a Book

This term we are swapping our Show and Tell for Bring and Share a Book. The children will each get the opportunity to bring in their favourite book to read to the class. This week we have started with two fantastic books Monkey Puzzle and One More Sheep. We can’t wait to see everyone’s favourite books! 

Welcome back and Happy New Year to you all! We hope you have all had a lovely Christmas break. Pear Class have come back really well and have been working extremely hard already. We have a lot planned for this term so are looking forward to an exciting half term ahead! 

Merry Christmas!

Pear Class have had a wonderful but busy Autumn Term and we are all ready for a relaxing Christmas. We would like to thank the PTA for their wonderful Christmas gifts, we can’t wait to play with them in the new year. 

A very Merry Christmas to you all!

Pear Class had a wonderful time designing and making their own animal puppets. The children made their puppets by learning to sew a running stitch, cutting felt and glueing their parts together. Everyone worked very hard to make their own puppet and were very proud of their perseverance. 

Jack and the Beanstalk

The children really enjoyed watching Jack and the Beanstalk, performed by ‘Panto in a Day’. Thank you to the PTA for organising the visit! 

Pear Class followed instructions in the kitchen this week by making Pudsey themed biscuits for Children in Need. They followed their set of instructions well to create their own biscuit, which they then decorated before taking them home. They also got creative and made their own movable Pudsey. We hope the children enjoyed getting creative this week and thank you to everyone for your generous contributions towards this worthy cause. 

Remembrance Day

Throughout the week Pear Class have been learning about Remembrance Day and the significance of poppies. The children stood silently and respected the two minutes silence in our Remembrance assembly. We are very proud of how the children understood the importance of this week and their discussions around the topic. 

In Computing this week we looked at the work of Salvador Dali. We tried our hardest to recreate his work, looking at the different lines he used in his work. 

Year 1 have been learning about Betty Campbell, Wales’ first black headteacher. We ordered words to make sentences about Betty, learning lots of interesting facts, including that she was told by her teachers that she could never become a teacher herself. The children then recorded all of the information that they had learnt about Betty Campbell in their books.  

Malcolm the Magician

Thank you to Reception who invited us to watch Malcolm the Magician, it was a lovely end to the half term. The children loved watching his incredible magic tricks and enjoyed joining in with the fun. 

This week we had our last outdoor learning lesson with Mrs Huggins. When we went outside we found lots of different resources that we could use to make our own hedgehogs. Once back in the classroom we got creative and made our very own individual hedgehogs that we were then able to take home with us. A huge thank you to Mrs Huggins for braving the weather with us this half term to make lots of memories and develop our skills outside. 

Hello Yellow!

We celebrated Hello Yellow this week. We learnt about mental health and how we should look after minds as well as our bodies. To help us relax we paired with Pine Class to take part in a Trolls Mindfullness session, which was a great way to start our Friday. It was lovely to see everyone in their yellow outfits! 

This week in outdoor learning we searched for mini beasts! We used nature kits to find living creatures in both the sensory garden and the wooded area. Pear Class had a fantastic time finding lots of different mini beasts and sharing our findings with our friends.

Pear Class got extremely creative this week making animal masks with local artist Darrell Wakelam. We looked at British wildlife and then got the opportunity to cut cardboard to create different animal features. Some of us got the opportunity to have our parents helping us and we are very grateful for their help to their own children and other children sat near them. We can’t wait for everyone to see our masks displayed In the corridor!

National Poetry Day

This week we celebrated National Poetry and found a Top Secret Challenge in our class. We had been given a challenge from Detective P.I. Poem who gave us a selection of word cards which we had to create a poem from. After having a lot of fun creating, Detective P. I. Poem came to inspect our work!

Harvest Festival

Key Stage 1 celebrated their Harvest Festival with an assembly with Reverend David Keen. Reverend Keen reminded us to be thankful for the things we have. Some of us read our Harvest prayers, with all of us singing harvest songs.

We had great fun during Art Week preparing for Remembrance Day. We learnt about the importance of Remembrance and made some special art work that will be displayed around our school. 

This week in outdoor learning we experienced making dens outside. We learnt how our dens need to be well hidden and protected from the elements. We used sticks to build our den structures and covered them with tarpaulin. Once built we had binoculars to bird watch, unfortunately we did not see any birds but we had a lot of fun building our dens.

We’ve also had a busy week in Maths learning all about measurement. At the beginning of the week we compared items in the classroom to leaves we had collected, looking at items that were shorter and longer than our leaves. We then learnt how to measure our own height, comparing it to the height of others. We wonder how much the children will grow in the next year!

Pear Class were able to use a variety of materials this week to creatively design and make products. The children braved the rain to collect a range of outdoor materials. Divided into three groups some of us made symmetrical patterns on material, others made tie dye using blackberries and the rest made salt dough faces. 

This week Pear Class enjoyed the lovely weather to explore our senses. We went outside and investigated what we could see, hear, smell and touch. We then explored how different fruit and vegetables tasted. 

Pear Class showed off their artistic skills by drawing The Crocodile from The Enormous Crocodile by Roald Dahl. The children demonstrated their impressive concentration and attention to detail, whilst also having the opportunity to explore different media when adding colour. 

During our Computing session this week Pear Class used the iPads for two different reasons. They had the opportunity to be creative again by drawing The Crocodile from The Enormous Crocodile by Roald Dahl on a screen. During this session Mrs Rendell took children outside in small groups to take photos of our school grounds. We hope you enjoy looking at all of the photos that the children took themselves!

Welcome to Year 1!

Pear Class have had a fantastic first week back! We have enjoyed this glorious weather by exploring the school grounds and even got to explore the new outdoor classroom. Everyone was a little tired towards the end of the week, but we hope everyone has a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing everyone’s smiley faces again on Monday. 
