Children were asked to think of the ten people in history that they thought had changed the world. Following a discussion during PSHCE lessons, students voted for the people they believed were making or had made the biggest impact on the world we live in. The children will now focus on 5 influential people and research their lives delivering projects in a variety of media to share with our link schools. We will compare our results to those from our friends in China and Spain. It was no surprise that our number one World Changer was Sir David Attenborough. He was a strong choice as someone who has brought the world in to our households and allowed us to see into the beauty and magic of our planet and the nature within it. At the same time, he has made us more reflective of how to keep our planet healthy and reduce climate change or damage to the incredible creatures that we share the planet. Furthermore, it is clear from our discussions that our children were aware of the importance of equality and the role of inspirational leaders such as Martin Luther King Jnr and Barack Obama. Another choice was the environmental campaigner Greta Thunberg, who is a great inspiration to many of our children. Students can see from Greta how anyone can make a difference to the world, regardless of age. We will continue to talk about how we can do more to look after our planet as part of project to limit the effects of climate change.