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Activity 4 Our Amazing Planet - Together Against Climate Change

During our assemblies, the school will be told of this year's project on climate change and working with our friends across the world to do what we can to reduce our effects on the world that we live in. A competition to design a "switch it off" poster will take place.School Council and Eco Club will make switch labels to remind everyone to turn off their lights in classrooms - following a discussion at these clubs, where it will be discussed about energy being wasted and the need to cut our energy use. Eco-monitors will visit classrooms and see who has remembered to conserve energy. Every month, a class will be rewarded for the "greenest"classroom. The school will also take part in Earth Day and International Climate Change Awareness Day, communicating with our link schools and sharing thoughts on what we can do to help the environment we live in. The children will make personal pledges and share these with their global friends. 

Recycling Week 2021


Whole School Assembly by Somerset Waste Partnership.

Email received  from Carymoor Environmental Trust

Many thanks for organising the Virtual SAW session today at Preston Primary.

That was a record number of classes logged on for the assembly…so a huge congratulations on achieving that!

During the workshops I was really impressed by the children’s listening skills and enthusiasm for the content of the sessions….and the recycling that I could see happening too! Please pass on my thanks to all of the staff for their support during and preparation of resources prior to each workshop. I don’t think we’ve ever had a session run quite so smoothly.

Year 3 Recycling Day

World Recycling Day


For World Recycling Day on Thursday, Year 3 were very lucky to have a virtual workshop to learn about the three Rs, Recycle, Reduce and Reuse!

We found out about single-use items and what reusable item we could replace them with.

We had lots of fun!

Recycling Year 1


We enjoyed learning about reducing, reusing and recycling waste and we have thought about how we are going to help with the recycling at home.  We loved meeting Wigglebert the worm and learning about how tiger worms help to turn our food waste into compost.

We also used recycled materials to decorate some letters for a display.

Recycling Week Poems

Still image for this video

Poem 2

Still image for this video

Poem 3

Still image for this video

Fairtrade Fortnight Activities

A copy of the letter sent to The Brazilian and Mexican Embassy to highlight Climate Change

Winning Switch Off Poster Creators from KS1 and KS2

Examples of our Switch It Off Poster Competition

Shared Project with China - Protect the Earth Posters

Shared project with Spanish Link school - Save Our Planet Calendar 


Our new flower beds made from recycled materials
