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Podcasting Club (Year 6)

Welcome to our Club Page!

Week 1: 


Welcome to our Podcasting page! We were very excited to choose our broadcasting name this week - Preston Poddos. 


It won by a narrow vote to PCubed, which we are considering using as part of the broadcast for a possible maths section. 


 Next week we are going to put together a logo and learn how to setup a PA system, ready to blast our sounds out to the masses!

Week 2:


Using the iOS app Sketches, we began to put together a logo that would incorporate our name, school and flavour of our show. We left the club this week with finishing this design off as our "homework". 


We also learnt the roles of each part of a Public Address (PA) system. After learning to identify cable types, we plugged our sound system together and let loose on the microphone to check out what Special FX we already had access to - great fun!  

Week 3:


At times, it feels frustrating that we haven't released our first pod yet but then you remember just how much work goes into imagining, rehearsing, recording, editing and then distributing a podcast that you remember how proud you are of the steps and knowledge already learnt. 


A case in point this week, we have managed to install our own editing software on every student laptop to enable us to edit more effectively across the week AND practise recording on our student iPads, before uploading that content to the cloud, downloading to the laptop and editing - phew! 


It's high-time we had some images to prove that we have not just been sat on Youtube! You can see us practising our interview technique, finalising the design for our logo as well as creating exciting content to release to you soon!
