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Week 7

Welcome back Year 5!

We hope you all had a restful half term and look forward to welcoming you back as soon as we can. We are so impressed with the resilience you have shown throughout this lockdown and hope that things can be back to normal very soon. 

Run/Walk/Cycle Half Term Challenge!


Before half term, the Year 5 team set Hazel and Hornbeam children the challenge of running, walking or cycling as far as they could in the week's break to promote good physical and mental wellbeing. With our heavy and unavoidable reliance on technology since Christmas, we thought it a good idea to promote some time away from screens.  Children were required to record their total distances and pass them over to their teachers.


Once we had all of the miles in, we decided to add them all together and see how far we had travelled as a collective. Our combined totals showed that we travelled a whopping 485.1 miles between us! This is the equivalent of travelling from Preston Primary to Amsterdam (via Calais and through Belgium), with a few miles left over! What an achievement!
