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Reception - Oak Class 2020-21

Sports Day


We were very lucky with the weather and were able to conduct our Sports Day as planned. The children all participated in a variety of races, including balancing a bean bag on their heads, an obstacle course and a crawling race. Of course we missed the parents, but the children had a wonderful fun-filled afternoon and enjoyed cheering on their team mates!

Axe Valley School Trip


Our reception children had a wonderful day out at Axe Valley Wildlife Park. They were fascinated by the animal talk with the Park Ranger and really enjoyed handling animals, that many had not seen before. These included snakes, millipedes, lizards, giant snails and an armadillo. They children enjoyed a picnic in the sunshine and ended the day with some time in the play park. What a fantastic day!

Mental Health Awareness Week - Nature


Reception have been studying the life cycle of a butterfly. We have watched our own caterpillars develop into cocoons before transforming into beautiful butterflies. During Mental Health Awareness Week, we let our butterflies free. The children were delighted and excited when they flew into the playground!


After our butterflies were set free, we spent the afternoon exploring the school grounds and hunting for mini-beasts. The children thoroughly enjoyed their day.

Birds of Prey


We were very lucky to be visited by a bird sanctuary last week. The children were fascinated by the Owls and Harris Hawk, and learnt some really interesting facts.

Noah's Ark


As a wonderful finale to our Noah's Ark project, Reception welcomed local artist Darrell Wakelam. All 60 children were involved in creating this beautiful display. We are incredibly proud of their work!

Wacky Reading Challenge


The winners of this weeks Wacky Reading Challenge are Keyaan from Oak Class and Natalia from Chestnut Class - well done!

Mother's Day


The children have worked really hard creating portraits of their wonderful Mum's. They also grew hyacinths as a gift. Well done they all look amazing!

Science Week


To celebrate Science week in Reception, we had a morning of scientific investigation. We worked our way around a carousel of activities which included making a marble run, building bridges, investigating whether things were magnetic or not, constructing Meccano models, and planting Sweet Pea seeds. We then rounded the morning off with a Coke and Mentos explosion on the playground. The children used their wonderful curiosity and were able to think critically. 

Chinese New Year Dragon Dance


Our reception children have really enjoyed learning about Chinese Traditions, and finished the half term with a marvellous Dragon Dance. They made their own lanterns and musical instruments and invited the whole school to watch the parade through the corridors of the school. Well done Reception!

Reception Bubble Chinese Dragon Dance

Still image for this video

Children's Mental Health Week


Each year, the school participates in ‘Mental Health Week’. This year, our reception children focussed on kindness and discussed what makes them happy. We decided that we would like to spread some of our happiness to the local community, so the children made ‘happiness cards’ for the residents of a local care home. The children thoroughly enjoyed making their cards and the residents of West Abbey Care Home (staff pictured below with the cards) were delighted with their delivery of happiness.



The children in reception put on an amazing show of Whoops-A-Daisy-Angel. The full production is available to all parents on Tapestry, but here are a selection of photos that show-case the children and their talents.


A big thank you to all of the parents for their support with providing fabulous costumes and helping the children to learn their lines. 

Children in Need


Reception enjoyed coming to school in their nightwear for Children in Need. We discussed the work of the charity and participated in various fun activities. Thank you for your kind donations.

Forest School


We were blessed with dry weather and all of Oak Class enjoyed a lovely morning outside, exploring our surroundings and completing various tasks in small teams. Thank you to all of the parents who came along to support us!

Malcolm the Magician


The children were delighted with Malcolm's magic tricks. He wowed us with his multiplying sweet trick and the hall was filled with roars of laughter. A lovely end to a very busy half term!

Whole Class Photo


The children are continuing to enjoy their time in school and this week we took our first whole class photo. We hope it will be appearing in the Western everyone!

Welly Walk


This week we have been exploring our surroundings, whilst on a welly walk, within the school grounds. We collected autumn themed objects, to be used for our transient art pictures for Arts Week. We were really proud of the end products.

Welcome to Reception!


The children have had a fantastic start to school and we have been so impressed with how well they have settled in. We are really excited for the wonderful year ahead!


Our First Week - Settling In


We have been learning the routines of school and have enjoyed exploring our environment and making new friends.
